Releases: nintervik/vmWalkingKit
Releases · nintervik/vmWalkingKit
vmWalkingKit v1.0
vmWalkingKit v0.98
v0.98 changelog:
- Added 5 presets for visual reference: angry, cocky, sad, goofy, and scared.
- Completed all TODOs in the code.
- Added docstrings to all the methods, functions, and classes.
- Added explanatory comments to the code.
- Toned down the cheek overlapping action animations.
- Fixed UI text typos.
- Fixed UI text box size for smaller aspect ratios.
vmWalkingKit v0.95
v0.95 changelog:
- Fixed more knee pops.
- Added overlap animation on bow-tie.
- Added overlap animation on ears.
- Added overlap animation on nose.
- Added overlap animation on hair.
- Added overlap animation on cheeks
- Added overlap animation on
- Cleaned code for overlapping action.
- Added circular mini-floor to the scene.
- Improved README installation instructions.
vmWalkingKit v0.92
v0.92 changelog:
- Added startup window.
- Added about window.
- Top menu bar is now functional with options the following options: import, save, reset, quit, open startup window, open about window, and open the tool website with the documentation.
- Added icon image for the tool.
- Polished upper body animations (hips, spine, and chest).
- Polished feet animations.
- Fixed knee pops for 12f beat.
- Fixed head nodding animation offset.
- Fixed arm range in 8f beat.
- Improved facial expressions with asymmetry and more appealing faces.
- Improved hands relaxed pose.
- Improved README installation instructions.
vmWalkingKit v0.91
v0.91 changelog:
- Fixed loop animation issues.
- FPS are now always displayed.
- Added a combination preset as an example file.
- Updated README with information about how to use and install the tool.
- Updated Maya 2018 file.
vmWalkingKit v0.9
v0.9 changelog:
- Tail, hands poses, and legs parameters work and are animated.
- All the theory and information are written and displayed where
needed. - Settings tab is implemented (performance, silhouette, and playblast).
vmWalkingKit v0.5
v0.1 changelog:
- Code structure is done.
- The tool can be reset to its default values by reading from a JSON file.
- General tab works and the respective animations are done.
- Animations always loop correctly.
- Animations adapt to the beat.
- UI is native and usable (resizable, with scrollbar, can be docked,
etc) - Performance issues are fixed.
v0.5 changelog:
- Head, trunk, arms tabs, and animations are done.
- Section for the information display works (with placeholder text).
- Presets can be saved and imported into the tool.