This repository contains a collection of JavaScript files covering various algorithms and scripts for calculations, series generation, patterns, and more.
- Flowcharts - Explore flowcharts illustrating different processes and algorithms.
- AgeChecker.js: Verify age eligibility based on input.
- AreaOfCircle.js: Calculate the area of a circle.
- CurrencyConverter.js: Convert currencies using JavaScript.
- Factorial.js: Compute factorial of a number.
- Fibonacci.js: Generate Fibonacci sequences.
- MaxFour.js, MaxThree.js, MaxTwo.js: Determine maximum numbers in a series.
- Pattern1.js, Pattern2.js: Generate specific patterns with JavaScript logic.
- Rectangle.js: Perform calculations related to rectangles.
- Series1.js, Series2.js, Series4.js, Series5.js: Compute various series.
- SineSeries.js: Calculate sine series in JavaScript.
- SumOfNumbers.js: Find the sum of a series of numbers.
- Assignment1: Create a login and registration form with html and css which should toggle.
- Assignment2: Create a dashboard which should show images which are fetched from javascript task1.
Task1.js: Write a logic to invoke IIFE and handle promise also fetch numbers of images from result.
- ques1.js: Find nCr using recursion.
- ques2.js: Store and display array elements using recursion.
- ques3.js: program to find prime fibonacci number and also find the difference between them and sum of the difference .
- Assignment1: Create Crud App using HTTP/1.1 protocol
- Assignment2: Create Crud App using HTTP/2 protocol
- This was an external exercise added as a sub-module in this repository.
- hello: A basic Rust program demonstrating a simple "Hello, World!" output.
- condition_controlflow: Rust code showcasing conditional statements and control flow mechanisms like if-else constructs.
- area_of_shapes: Rust code calculating areas of different shapes, such as rectangles, squares, and circles, based on user input.
- calculator: Rust implementation of a calculator performing basic arithmetic operations using modules and sub-modules.
No installation is necessary for these scripts. Simply download or clone the repository to access the JavaScript files.
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, create a new branch, make changes, and submit a pull request. Please adhere to the repository's guidelines.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.