Client-side code and React components for interacting with a Lexicon.
— a container for your translated strings and data.LxProvider
— a React component that adds an "Edit Content" button which allows users to edit strings and data.Lexicon Server
— a Rails app that will accept changes from the editor, and write them to GitHub is documentation for people modifying the Lexicon JS client. is documentation for the Lexicon-server
set NPM_TOKEN environment var so you can access Nitid's private Github NPM package registry. See 1Password.
Point NPM to use Nitid's registry: create this file:
# .npmrc
npm i --save @nitidbit/lexicon
Add Lexicon to your project, e.g.
// LxEditPanelExample.tsx
import React from "react"
import { useLexicon, LxProvider } from '@nitidbit/lexicon'
import demoStrings from "./DemoComponent.json" // Your text content
const UPDATE_URL = ""
// <LxProvider> provides storage and the editor for Lexicon data
export function ExampleApp() {
return (
<div className="ExampleApp">
<LxProvider apiUpdateUrl={ UPDATE_URL }>
// useLexicon() returns a Lexicon instance for fetching your text content. See next section for what
// a Lexicon can do.
function ExampleComponent({}) {
const demoLexicon = useLexicon(demoStrings) // instantiate a Lexicon with our strings
return (
<div className="ExampleComponent">
{ demoLexicon.get('title', {appName: 'blah'} ) } // retrieve the localized 'title', and insert 'appName'
"repoPath": "server/app/javascript/DemoComponent.json",
"en": {
"title": "React Demo Component for #{appName}",
"es": {
"title": "Spanish React Demo page for #{appName}",
A Lexicon is a container for translated strings and data.
"en": {
"message": "Hello, world!"
"subComponent": {
"template": "There are #{count} widgets."
"faq": [
"question": "What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?"
"answer": "42"
"es": {
"message": "¡Hola, mundo!"
import { Lexicon, EditWrapper } from 'lexicon';
const lex = new Lexicon(require('./MyStrings.yml')) // the data, assuming you have a YAML loader
// plus the filename for the editor
Get values using key paths as arrays or separated by "."
lex.get(['subComponent', 'template']) // => 'There are #{count} widgets.'
lex.get('subComponent.template') // => 'There are #{count} widgets.'
Optionally interpolate variables into the fetched string.
lex.get('subComponent.template', { count: 5 }) // => 'There are 5 widgets.'
Change to different locale
lex.locale('es').get('message') // => '¡Hola, mundo!'
Generate a "subset" of content for passing to a child component
lex.subset('subComponent').get('template', { count: 6 }) // => 'There are 6 widgets.'
Arrays can be accessed using numeric keys
lex.get('faq.0.question') // => 'What is the meaning of life,
// the universe, and everything?'
One lexicons can added as a branch of another so that values from both are accessible
lex1 = new Lexicon({repoPath: 'lex1.json', en: { one: 'ONE' }});
lex2 = new Lexicon({repoPath: 'lex2.json', en: { two: 'TWO' }});
lex1.addBranch(lex2, 'added');
lex1.get('one') // => 'ONE'
lex1.get('added.two') // => 'TWO'
Here is a diagram of how all the pieces of Lexicon fit together
A ClientApp can be configured to send a slack message when changes are saved to Git.
Make a Slack Incoming Webhook
- go to Slack > (your workspace) > Tool & settings > Manage Apps > Custom Integrations
- Find or add the "Incoming Webhooks" integration. (Yes it's deprecated but still works as of 2024)
- Configure it to post to one of your channels
- At the end of the workflow, you'll have a "Webhook URL" Add the Slack Workflow URL to LexiconServer
- As an admin, Go to lexicon server
- admin > client apps > edit the app
- Set "Slack Workflow Url" to the Webhook URL from above Verify it works
- Make a small edit
- See the message appear in Slack. It should be something like: User "" on app has changed Lexicon text: "en.faq.0.answer" has changed to ""
- - uses internal server, i.e. edits are posted to bedsider/lexicon/update
- Several static sites uses this server for making Lexicon changes.
MyBC and MyPath