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Terraform Module Name: terraform-module-lb-tg

Terraform module for AWS Target Group

Code : Stable

This is a stable example. It should successfully build out of the box


This module may be used to create Target Group resources in AWS cloud provider....


This module needs Terraform 0.12.16 or newer. You can download the latest Terraform version from here.

This module deploys aws services details are in respective feature branches.


Below we are able to check the resources that are being created as part of this module call:

  • Target Group


Using this repo

To use this module, add the following call to your code:

module "alb_tg" {
  source = "git::"

  # Providers
  providers = {
    aws =

  # Tags
  tags = {
    Description = "Load balancer Target Group"
    ManagedBy   = "Terraform"
    Project     = "POC"
    Environment = "prod"

  # ALB Target Group
  name                 = var.target_group_name
  port                 = var.target_group_port
  protocol             = var.target_group_protocol
  vpc_id               = var.vpc_id
  target_type          = var.target_group_type
  health_check         = [
          healthy_threshold   = 2
          unhealthy_threshold = 2
          interval            = 5
          matcher             = "200"
          path                = "/"
          port                = "traffic-port"
          protocol            = "HTTP"
          timeout             = 3


The variables required in order for the module to be successfully called from the deployment repository are the following:

Variable Description Type Argument Status Default Value
name The name of the target group, Forces new resource string Optional null
name_prefix Creates a unique name beginning with the specified prefix. Forces new resource string Optional null
port The port on which targets receive traffic, unless overridden when registering a specific target.Forces new resource.
Required when
target_type is instance or ip
number Optional null
protocol The protocol to use for routing traffic to the targets. Should be one of "TCP", "TLS", "UDP", "TCP_UDP", "HTTP" or "HTTPS". Required when target_type is instance or ip. Does not apply when target_type is lambda. number Optional null
vpc_id The identifier of the VPC in which to create the target group. Required when target_type is instance or ip. Does not apply when target_type is lambda. string Optional null
deregistration_delay The amount time for Elastic Load Balancing to wait before changing the state of a deregistering target from draining to unused. The range is 0-3600 seconds. The default value is 300 seconds. number Optional 300
load_balancing_algorithm_type Determines how the load balancer selects targets when routing requests. Only applicable for Application Load Balancer Target Groups. The value is round_robin or least_outstanding_requests. The default is round_robin. string Optional round_robin
lambda_multi_value_headers_enabled Boolean whether the request and response headers exchanged between the load balancer and the Lambda function include arrays of values or strings. Only applies when target_type is lambda. boolean Optional null
proxy_protocol_v2 Boolean to enable / disable support for proxy protocol v2 on Network Load Balancers. any Optional null
stickiness A Stickiness block. Stickiness blocks are documented below. stickiness is only valid if used with Load Balancers of type Application map(string) Optional {}
health_check A Health Check block map(string) Optional {}
target_type The type of target that you must specify when registering targets with this target group. string Optional {}
tags A mapping of tags to assign to the resource map(string) Optional {}


  • id
  • arn
  • name
  • arn_suffix


The output variable is able to be accessed through terraform state file using the syntax below:



Module maintained by Module maintained by the - Nitin Das


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