This is an Assignment project to showcase same problem statement solution with TESTNG framework that was first resolved with use of Cucumber (BDD).
testng_web.xml - helps run web ui tests as per user input on either chrome or firefox (have to enter browser names 2 times as two tests run)
testng_api.xml - helps run api tests parellel
Page Factory (Page Object model design pattern) Test automation framework using Selenium Webdriver with Java, TestNG, Maven and Rest Assured
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The web tests require user inputs as browser names either 'chrome' or 'firefox'
As per official document-
The chrome driver should be available at '/usr/bin/chromedriver' on the machine that executing the suite on chrome browser.
And same path needs to be set as 'PATH' system variable - hence no need to mention 'system.setProperty' for chrome
git clone
cd webAndAPITest
mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=testng_web.xml
Go to 'webAndAPITest/testng_web.xml' Run as > 'TestNG Suite'
Go to 'webAndAPITest/test-output/' and open 'index.html'
Executable created at webAndAPITest/bin/parking_lot.bat
Go to '/webAndAPITest/testng_web.xml' Run as > 'TestNG Suite'
Considered the site is beta and has only one product to buy
The suite runs the tests parallel.
git clone
cd webAndAPITest
mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=testng_api.xml
Go to 'webAndAPITest/testng_api.xml' Run as > 'TestNG Suite'
Go to 'webAndAPITest/test-output/' and open 'index.html'
Executable created at webAndAPITest/bin/parking_lot.bat
Go to 'webAndAPITest/testng_api.xml' Run as > 'TestNG Suite'
Two type of file are provided:
- For basic validation of library - 'file1' and 'file2'
- To check 1000+ request - 'longfile1' and 'longfile2' NOTE: Long files contains 1000 request are also verified.
Currently provided files with combination of URLs considering the problem statement to provide a two files only.