This project is a part of the assessment for SHRDC Data Science course
The purpose of this project is to predict the number of daily new cases for covid-19
- Inferential Statistics
- Deep Learning
- Data Visualization
- Predictive Modeling
- Python
- Pandas, Numpy, Sklearn
- Tensorflow, Tensorboard
- Clone this repo (for help see this tutorial).
- Raw Data is retrieved from [] in this repository.
- Data processing/transformation scripts are being kept []
- Model Architecture as follows:
A Sequential model with attributes of embedding_output=64, nodes=32, dropout=0.2, hidden_layer=2 and epochs = 100 with EarlyStopping
- Training processes recorded as follows:
- Performance of the model and the reports as follows:
Mean Absolute Percentage Error is recorded at :
Predicted vs Actual trend is recorded at :
- Reviews
- MAPE recorded at 0.0236%
- Graph shows low loss, low mse which indicates model is good
- The predicted vs Actual trend shows a good-fit