a Yii 1.x CClientScript extension to prevent reloading javascript libraries and merging/minifying resources
- huge refactor
- one-file code splitted into classes
- completely new css processing part: processes @import-s, url-s
- composer support
- demo app
- moved to github:)
- available on packagist.org
- tests (initial)
Composer require section: "nlac/nlsclientscript": "dev-master"
Some important unit tests written, using Codeception. Code coverage will be increased later.
How to run the tests?
- Codeception framework needs to be installed globally
- composer global require "codeception/codeception=2.0.*"
- composer global require "codeception/specify=*"
- composer global require "codeception/verify=*"
- composer global require "codeception/aspect-mock=*"
- make sure that %APPDATA%\Composer\vendor\bin is added to the PATH variable (to have codecept command)
- go to the project root
- composer install
- codecept run unit --debug
Official demo, tutorial: http://nlacsoft.net/nlsclientscript
Packagist home: https://packagist.org/packages/nlac/nlsclientscript
Old Yii page: http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/nlsclientscript