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Enforcing CEL validation rules with protobuf annotations


This project is still in alpha: APIs should be considered unstable and likely to change.

protoc-gen-cel-validate is a plugin for the protocol buffers compiler. With the help of the Common Expression Language, this plugin reads user-defined rules on service and message definitions and generate ready to use validation functions.

It features :

  • complete support of the CEL specification
  • support of multiple rules
  • extensive configuration, with user defined constants, functions and overloads
  • method validation based on RPC context and request
  • message validation with cross fields reference and google.protobuf.FieldMask support
  • recursive message validation using build-in validation functions
  • support of the google.api.field_behavior REQUIRED annotation for enforcing a non default value (AIP-203)
  • support of the google.api.resource_reference annotations for enforcing matching patterns (AIP-122)

For now, the plugin is dedicated for the Go language. More languages may be added in the future, depending on available CEL implementations (and time).

If you would like to integrate CEL rules but you are using another language, you can have a look at the bifrost proxy.


For installating the plugin or the gateway, you can simply run the go install command :

go install
go install

The binary will be placed in your $GOBIN location.

Rules configuration

protoc-gen-cel-validate is highly configurable: validation rules can be written using protobuf options, a configuration file or both. Furthermore, options can be defined at various levels of your specification, with the following loading orders :

  • configuration file > file option > service option > method option
  • configuration file > file option > message option > field option

Here is an example :

  • config.yml
            banned: my_banned_name
  • example.proto
syntax = "proto3";

package example;
import "validate/validate.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";

service Example {
    option (cel.validate.service) = {
        options: {
            globals: {
                functions: [{
                    key: 'validateMessage'
                    value: 'request.validate()'
        expr: 'validateMessage()'
    rpc Rpc(RpcRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {};

message RpcRequest {
    option (cel.validate.message) = {
        options: {
            globals: {
                constants: [{
                    key: 'admin'
                    value: 'my_admin_name'
    string name = 1 [(cel.validate.field) = {
        expr: 'name != banned && name == admin'

For more information on configuration fields, have a look at the cel.validate.Options message specification.

Configuration file

Even if rules can be written in the protobuf definition, you might not be able to edit the files for your use case. This is why you can use an external file for adding custom validation using the config=/path/to/config.yml parameter.

The configuration file will be loaded as a global cel.validate.Options and will be used in all the generated files.

Writing rules

For writing validation rules, some variables are defined, depending on the scope of the rule.

  • for service and method rules, two variables are defined
    • attribute_context (google.rpc.context.AttributeContext), containing transport related metadata
    • request (declared request message type), corresponding to incoming request
  • for message and field rules, all the fields of the message are defined

Furthermore, every message including validation rules provides the validate() and validateWithMask(google.protobuf.FieldMask) methods, allowing nested validation calls.


An complete example is located at protocel-example repository.

  1. Create protobuf definition
syntax = "proto3";

package testdata.basic;
option go_package = "";

import "validate/validate.proto";
import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";

service BasicService {
    rpc Basic(BasicRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
        option (cel.validate.method).expr = 'request.validate()';

message BasicRequest {
    string name = 1 [
        (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED,
        (cel.validate.field).expr = 'name.startswith("names/")'
  1. Generate protobuf code
  2. For validating message, just call the Validate or ValidateWithMask methods on the corresponding messages. For validating methods of a service, build a ServiceValidateProgram using the generated builder and call the Validate method.