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C++20 Coroutine-Based Synchronous Parser Combinator Library


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C++20 Coroutine Synchronous Parser Combinator Library.

This library contains a monadic parser type and associated combinators that can be composed to create parsers using C++20 Coroutines.

PRs are welcome. 🎉🎉🎉

Example 1

As a first example, let's say that you want to create a parser that parses any two-character string where both characters are the same (e.g. "==", "aa", etc.) and then returns that character on success. You could do that like this:

parsco::parser<char> parse_two_same() {
  char c = co_await parsco::any_chr();
  co_await parsco::chr( c );
  co_return c;

Another way to write it, which will provide a better error message to the user when parsing fails, would be:

parsco::parser<char> parse_two_same() {
  char c1 = co_await parsco::any_chr();
  char c2 = co_await parsco::any_chr();
  if( c1 != c2 )
    // Provides better error message.
    co_await parsco::fail( "expected two equal chars" );
  co_return c1;

Running this parser can result in three possible outcomes:

  1. The parser finds two characters and they are both the same, e.g. "xx". In that case, the parser will yield 'x'.
  2. The parser finds two characters and they are not the same. In that case, the parser will fail with an error message. The particular error message depends on which of the above two implementations is used.
  3. The parser encounters the end of the input stream (EOF) before it can parse both characters. In this case, the parser function will fail and return.

The parsers used above (chr and any_chr) are functions that return parser<T>s (in this case, T is char). As can be seen, they have been combined to yield a higher-level function parse_two_same which is itself a parser in that it returns a parser<T>. This parse_two_same parser can thus can be used to build even more complex parsers in a similar way, namely by using the C++20 co_await keyword on the parser object that it returns.

What are Parsers, Coroutines and Combinators?

With the first example out of the way, let's discuss what is happening under the hood.


The term "parser" in this library is a bit overloaded. It can refer to an object of type parsco::parser<T> or to a coroutine function that returns one. It is ok to think of them as equivalent for now. In fact, the parser object owns (in RAII sense) the coroutine.

Typically, a parser is created by calling a coroutine function that returns a parsco::parser<T> and then that parser is run by applying C++20's co_await keyword to it. A parser object does nothing on its own; it is only when it is co_awaited that it is given access to the input string and begins to parse. If it succeeds, then it will result in an object of type T. If it fails, it will automagically unwind the entire parser call stack and deliver an error messages to the original caller of the overall parse operation.


In this library, parsers are "glued together" using C++20 Coroutines. An explanation of how C++20 coroutines work in general is beyond the scope of this README; for an in-depth look into how C++ coroutines work, see this blog. However, you do not need to fully understand them to use this library, so feel free to continue on in this tutorial either way.

For the purposes of using this library, a coroutine is a function that

  1. Returns a parsco::parser<T> type.
  2. Uses one or both of the keywords co_await and co_return in its body (this library does not make use of co_yield).
  3. Has the ability (unlike a conventional function) to suspend and resume execution.

When a coroutine is first called, the C++ language "runtime" will setup a coroutine frame consisting of a "promise" object and enough space to hold any local variables in the function. Then, while executing the coroutine, each time the co_await or co_return keywords are used, the compiler will query the promise object via some extension points to ask it what to do in response. This promise object (and the hidden calls to query it) are leveraged by this library to automate the following tasks which must be done to parse a string:

  1. Passing around the input buffer.
  2. Keeping track of the current position in the input buffer.
  3. Detecting a premature EOF (end of input stream) and potentially terminating the parse.
  4. Detecting and handle parsing errors (i.e., syntax errors in the input), which can result in either cancelling the entire parse (unwinding the call stack) or in backtracking to reattempt with another parser.
  5. Providing error message and input buffer location to the user in the case of a parsing error.
  6. Returning of the result of parsing in a type-safe way.

All of this happens automatically when you co_await on a parser object.

Since the coroutines thread the input buffer pointers and state through the coroutine call stack automatically, there is no global state in the library, hence we have nice properties of being re-entrant and thread safe (though only in that sense).


A parser combinator is a function (or higher-order function) that can transform a given parser into a different or more complex parser. Combinators are used to glue together primitive (basic) parsers into more complex ones. They typically take as parameters either parser objects or functions that return parser objects, and then construct a new parser and return it as a new parsco::parser<T> object.

In this library, you will build up your parsers by using combinators to combine simple parsers into more complex ones. In fact, in many cases, a parser can be constructed using existing combinators alone without requiring any coroutines. The coroutines will still be needed though, in cases where a parser requires some new logic not provided by an existing combinator.

Example 2: IP Address Parser

As a second example, let us define a parser that can parse four-component IPv4 addresses, possibly with a subnet mask on the end. An IP address must consist of four integers between 0 and 255 (inclusive) separated by dots, with no spaces, e.g. "".

The trailing subnet mask, if present, must immediately follow the fourth number and must consist of a slash (/) followed by an integer between 0 and 32 (inclusive), e.g.: "".

To help write our parser, we will first define a struct in which to hold the result. This is good practice, since you will ideally want your parsers to return results in the form of your own type-safe data structures:

#include <optional>

struct ipv4_address {
  // Each of the four integer components.
  int n1 = 0;
  int n2 = 0;
  int n3 = 0;
  int n4 = 0;

  // Optional trailing subnet mask.
  std::optional<int> subnet_mask = std::nullopt;

First we define a parser for the main integral components:

parsco::parser<int> parse_ip_number() {
  int n = co_await parsco::parse_int();
  if( n > 255 )
    co_await parsco::fail( "ip values must be <= 255" );
  co_return n;

which will be called once for each of the four components. Note that this parses the int and does validation, failing the parse (all the way up to the root or the nearest try_ combinator) if validation fails.

Finally, we define the IPv4 parser that produces the result in the form of an ipv4_address data structure:

parsco::parser<ipv4_address> parse_ip_address() {
  ipv4_address result;

  result.n1 = co_await parse_ip_number();
  co_await parsco::chr( '.' );
  result.n2 = co_await parse_ip_number();
  co_await parsco::chr( '.' );
  result.n3 = co_await parse_ip_number();
  co_await parsco::chr( '.' );
  result.n4 = co_await parse_ip_number();

  // The try_ combinator returns the result wrapped in a
  // `result_t` in order to signal (in a type-safe way) that the
  // parser may or may not succeed and that it will backtrack if
  // not successful.
  parsco::result_t<char> slash =
      co_await parsco::try_{ parsco::chr( '/' ) };

  if( slash.has_value() ) {
    // We have the start of the subnet mask.
    int mask = co_await parsco::parse_int();
    if( mask > 32 )
      co_await parsco::fail( "subnet mask must be <= 32" );
    result.subnet_mask = mask;

  co_return result;

You can find a working version of this example in the examples folder (ip-address-parser.cpp). When you run it, you should see the following output:

test ""     succeeded to parse:
test ""  succeeded to parse:
test " /23" succeeded to parse:
test ""    failed to parse:
test "123,234.123.99"     failed to parse:
                          tests:error:1:4 expected '.'
test ""     failed to parse:
test ""  failed to parse:
                          tests:error:1:17 subnet mask must be <= 32
test "123.234.123"        failed to parse:
                          tests:error:1:11 EOF
test ""    failed to parse:
                          tests:error:1:15 ip values must be <= 255
test "123.234.123/8"      failed to parse:
                          tests:error:1:12 expected '.'

Some of the inputs parse successfully, while others fail and give the location of the parsing failure. Note that some of those that successfully parse (such as the third one) do not consume all input; in those cases they successfully parses an IP address with no subnet mask and leave the remainder of the input buffer unparsed.

As a final note for this example, we could have terminated the parse_ip_address function with a co_await parsco::eof() statement, which would have ensured that we consumed all of the input. That would then have the benefit of preventing inputs such as " /23" from parsing successfully (currently that input parses successfully because the parser parses an IP address with no subnet mask and simply ignores the remainder of the input). However, the downside to adding eof() into a parser is that it prevents that parser from being composed with other parsers to produce more complex parsers, since it always insists that it be the only consumer of the input.

Example 3: The Hello World Parser

As a third example, let us define a simple grammar that we will refer to as the "hello world" grammar. It is defined as follows:

  1. The string may start or end with any number of spaces.
  2. It must contain the two words 'hello' and 'world' in that order.
  3. The two words must have their first letters either both lowercase or both uppercase.
  4. Subsequent letters in each word must always be lowercase.
  5. The second word may have an arbitrary number of exclamation marks after it, but they must begin immediately after the second word (no spaces).
  6. The number of exclamation marks, if any, must be even.
  7. The two words can be separated by spaces or by a comma. If separated by a comma, spaces are optional after the comma. If there is a comma, it must come immediately after the first word.


"Hello, World!!",      // should pass, and consume all input.
"  hello , world!!  ", // should fail (#7 violated)
"  hello, world!!!! ", // should pass, and consume all input.
"  hello, world!!!  ", // should fail (#6 violated)
"hEllo, World",        // should fail (#4 violated)
"hello world",         // should pass, and consume all input.
"HelloWorld",          // should fail (#7 violated)
"hello,world",         // should pass, and consume all input.
"hello, World",        // should fail (#3 violated)
"hello, world!!!!!!",  // should pass, and consume all input.
"hello, world !!!!",   // should pass, but not consume all input.
"hello, world ",       // should pass, and consume all input.
"hello, world!! x",    // should pass, but not consume all input.

This is clearly a contrived grammar, but it will allow us to demonstrate some of the basic facilities in this library. The following is a Parsco parser that parses this grammar:

parsco::parser<string> parse_hello_world() {
  // Eat spaces.
  co_await blanks();
  // Parse one char exactly, and it must be either 'h' or 'H'.
  // Our grammar dictates that the "hello" can start with either
  // a lowercase of capital h.
  char h = co_await one_of( "hH" );

  // But the rest of the letters in the word must be lowercase.
  // Parse the given string exactly.
  co_await str( "ello" );

  // We can have a comma followed by zero-or-more-spaces, or we
  // can have no comma followed by one-or-more spaces.
  // The >> operator is a sequencing operator that will run
  // the first parser, ensuring that it succeeds, and will
  // throw away the result. Then it will invoke the second
  // parser, again ensuring that it succeeds and returning its
  // result.
  // The | operator runs the first parser and if it succeeds,
  // returns its result; otherwise runs the second parser and
  // returns its result, or fails if it fails.
  co_await (( chr( ',' ) >> blanks()) | many1( space ));

  // Our grammar rules say that the two words must have the same
  // capitalization.
  ( h == 'h' ) ? co_await str( "world" )
               : co_await str( "World" );

  // Parse zero or more exclamation marks.
  string excls = co_await many( chr, '!' );

  // Grammar says number of exclamation marks must be even.
  if( excls.size() % 2 != 0 )
    co_await fail( "must have even # of !s" );

  co_await blanks();

  // This is optional, since we're just validating the input, but
  // it demonstrates how to return a result from the parser.
  co_return "Hello, World!";

See the file hello-world-parser.cpp in the examples folder for a runnable demo of calling this parser on the above input data. Essentially, we do this:

// This should conform to the above grammar.
std::string_view test = "  hello, world!!!  ";

// Filename is specified only to improve error messages.  In
// this case, there is no filename.
parsco::result_t<string> hw =
    parsco::run_parser( "fake-filename.txt", test, parse_hello_world() );

if( !hw ) {
  cout << "test \"" << s
       << "\" failed to parse: " << hw.get_error().what()
       << "\n";
} else {
  cout << "test \"" << s << "\" succeeded to parse.\n";

which, when run on each of the test cases above, yields:

test "Hello, World!!"      succeeded to parse.

test "  hello , world!!  " failed to parse:
                           fake-filename.txt:error:1:9 expected 'w'

test "  hello, world!!!! " succeeded to parse.

test "  hello, world!!!  " failed to parse:
                           fake-filename.txt:error:1:18 must have even # of !s

test "hEllo, World"        failed to parse:
                           fake-filename.txt:error:1:2 expected 'e'

test "hello world"         succeeded to parse.

test "HelloWorld"          failed to parse:

test "hello,world"         succeeded to parse.

test "hello, World"        failed to parse:
                           fake-filename.txt:error:1:8 expected 'w'

test "hello, world!!!!!!"  succeeded to parse.

test "hello, world !!!!"   succeeded to parse.

test "hello, world "       succeeded to parse.

test "hello, world!! x"    succeeded to parse.

Note that in those cases where we provided an error message ourselves via the fail combinator, it gives it to the user and this can result in a better experience.

Before closing this example, let's extend it a bit more. Let's say that we want to allow more than one occurrence of the "hello world" in the input buffer (i.e., one or more) and then have the parser return the number that were found. To do this, we can just use our existing parse_hello_world parser and wrap it in a combinator:

parsco::parser<int> parse_hello_worlds() {
  std::vector<std::string> hello_worlds =
      co_await parsco::many1( parse_hello_world );
  co_return hello_worlds.size();

where the parsco::many1 combinator parses one or more of the given parser. That means that it will fail unless there is at least one correctly-parsed "hello world." Notice that by wrapping our parser in parsco::many1, the result is now a std::vector<std::string>, since we are parsing multiple copies of "hello world." In this case our parser is simply validating the input, so the contents of the vector are not of much use to use, but in most other cases they will be useful. In our case, we're just interested in the size.

The parse_hello_worlds, just as with the parse_hello_world parser may not consume the entire input. In the face of a syntax error in the first occurrence it will fail, but syntax errors in subsequent occurrences will simply cause parsco::many1 to stop parsing (reporting success) and to return whatever it has successfully parsed, potentially leaving unparsed characters in the input buffer. If we want to ensure that the entire input buffer is consumed, we can use either the parsco::eof combinator or the parsco::exhaust combinator; an example of the latter is:

parsco::parser<int> parse_hello_worlds() {
  std::vector<std::string> hello_worlds =
    co_await parsco::exhaust( parsco::many1( parse_hello_world ) );
  co_return hello_worlds.size();

The parsco::exhaust combinator returns a parser that only succeeds if the parser given to it succeeds and consumes all input; otherwise, the parser fails.

See the section called "Combinator Reference" for a complete reference of all parsers and combinators.

Example 4: JSON Parser

To see a more realistic example, see the json-parser.cpp file in the examples folder which contains a JSON parser constructed using the combinators in this library. Note that the JSON parser makes use of the ADL extension point mechanism of the library, which will be described in the next section.

Something to note in the implementation of the JSON parser is that many of the functions are actually not coroutines because they do not use the co_await or co_return keywords (and co_yield is not used by this library). For example, the parser for a JSON boolean:

parser<boolean> parser_for( lang<Json>, tag<boolean> ) {
  return (str( "true"  ) >> ret( boolean{ true  })) |
         (str( "false" ) >> ret( boolean{ false }));

This is possible because it is frequently the case that a parsing operation can be described entirely in terms of existing combinators without applying any logic to the intermediate results. In those cases your parsers may end up looking like the above, namely a single expression describing the parser in a declarative way. Note: in order to support this style of writing parsers, the combinators take their parameters by value in order to avoid dangling references; see the section "Laziness and Parameter Lifetime" for more information.

Writing a function in this declarative/expression-based style when possible is likely a good idea because it will prevent the function from being compiled as a coroutine, which means that there will be less overhead in invoking it (invoking a coroutine typically involves at least one heap allocation to create the coroutine state; theoretically, the compiler can elide the heap allocation, but that does not seem to currently happen with this library, see the section on runtime performance below).

User-Defined Types

The Parsco library provides an ADL-based extension point so that you can define parsers for user-defined types in a consistent manner and that will be discoverable by the library. For example, the library provides a parser for std::variant which will invoke the extension point to attempt to parse the types that it contains, which may be user-defined types. To define a parser for some user type MyType which lives in your namespace your_ns, do the following:

#incldue "parsco/ext.hpp"
#incldue "parsco/parser.hpp"
#incldue "parsco/promise.hpp"
#incldue "parsco/ext-basic.hpp"

namespace your_ns {

  // For exposition only.
  using parsco::lang;
  using parsco::tag;
  using parsco::parser;

  struct MyType {
    int x;
    int y;

  // A type tag representing the (custom) language that your
  // parser parses. All of your parsers for a given language will
  // use the same type tag to guarantee at compile-time that they
  // are not mixed. That means that you can safely have multiple
  // parsers for different languages for the same user type My-
  // Type and they won't interfere.
  struct MyLang {};

  parser<MyType> parser_for( lang<MyLang>, tag<MyType> ) {
    // As an example, we're parse a point-like structure
    // consisting of two integers separated by a comma.
    int x = co_await parsco::parse<MyLang, int>();
    co_await parsco::chr( ',' );
    int y = co_await parsco::parse<MyLang, int>();
    co_return MyType{ x, y };


Now, having defined that, any other code, including code internal to the Parsco library, can parse your type by running the following:

MyType mt = co_await parsco::parse<MyLang, MyType>();

and your parser will be discovered through ADL. You can use this to easily build generic parsers for e.g. std::vector<T> which then invoke parsco::parse<SomeLang, T>() to parse any type.

Using this ADL extension point is entirely optional; you may not need it or opt not to use it, and that is fine.

Failure and Backtracking

When a co_awaited parser fails, it aborts the entire parsing call stack in the sense that all coroutines in the call stack will be suspended (and likely destroyed shortly thereafter when the original parser<T> object goes out of scope).

Sometimes, however, we want to attempt a parser and allow for it to fail. For this, there is a special combinator called try_:

using namespace parsco;

result_t<int> maybe_int = co_await try_{ parse_int() };

This will propagate parse errors via a return value that can be checked in the parser. Upon a failure, the maybe_int will contain the error and the parser will internally have backtracked in the input buffer so that any subsequent parsers can retry the same section of input.

Generally, the combinators in the library that allow for failing parsers will all use the try_ combinator internally and thus will automatically backtrack, so that the internal position in the buffer will never extend beyond what has been successfully parsed and returned by your parsers. That said, the framework does keep track of the farthest position that was attempted to be parsed, in order to deliver accurate error messages to users in response to syntax errors.

Note on Asynchrony

Although coroutines have important applications in concurrent or asynchronous programming, they are not being used in that capacity here. In this library they are used simply as a "glue" for parsers and combinators, all of which operate in a synchronous way and that expect to have the entire input buffer in memory. In fact, parsco::parser<T> coroutines will only suspend when they fail (apart from their initial suspend point, since they are lazy; see below), and will then never resume, similar to how a std::optional<T> coroutine might work.

This can be contrasted with other uses of coroutines where e.g. the coroutine will suspend while waiting for more input to arrive asynchronously, and will then be scheduled to resume when it does.

The parsco::parser<T> type can be thought of as the C++ equivalent to Haskell's Parsec monad, for example.

Coroutine Ownership

The coroutines in this library follow the practice of Structured Concurrency in that:

  1. The are lazy: they suspend at their initial suspend point.
  2. A parser object return by a coroutine owns the coroutine in RAII fashion and will destroy the coroutine it when the parser object goes out of scope.

This guarantees (in most use cases) that memory and lifetimes will be managed properly and automatically without any special consideration from the library user.

It is also hoped that this ownership model will aid the optimizer in understanding that it can elide all of the coroutine state heap allocations (which I believe should be theoretically possible in all of the common use cases). This unfortunately does not seem to happen currently; see the section on runtime performance for more information.

Laziness and Parameter Lifetime

Parsco parser coroutines are lazy. That means that when you invoke a parsco::parser<T> coroutine, it immediately suspends. In fact it must suspend, because it does not yet have access to the input data initially. The parser is only resumed and run when it is co_awaited, at which point it is given access to the input data by its caller.

For that reason, if combinator functions were to accept parameters by reference, it could lead to thorny lifetime issues where the references become dangling when a combinator object is returned from a function without co_awaiting it, which is convenient to be able to do (the JSON parser example does this often).

In order to systematically avoid this problem, this library opts for the safe route and thus all combinators accept their arguments by value. This may lead to slight inefficiencies, but it guarantees that there will not be any dangling references. The developer can thus freely create arbitrary combinator creations (co_awaiting the results immediately or at a later time) without having to reason about lifetime or dangling references.

When designing new combinators, you may want to consider doing the same for consistency. In practice, this should not add much overhead, because typical parameters to coroutines include a) stateless lambdas, b) primitive types such as ints, and parsco::parser<T> objects which are always moved.

Theoretically, it seems that any such lifetime issues could be systematically avoided by constructing parsers and wrapping combinators in one expression and then co_awaiting the result immediately before the expression goes out of scope, as opposed to putting the result into a parser<T> object and then co_awaiting on it later. However, to save the developer having to think about that and to give them flexibility, the combinators just take their arguments by value.

The examples in this library have been tested with ASan and they do come out clean, for what that is worth.

Building and Running

Since C++20 coroutines are a relatively new feature, compiler support is currently not complete or perfect.

As of August, 2021, this library has only been tested successfully with Clang trunk and (partially successfully) with GCC 11.1. The library runs well with Clang, but unfortunately GCC's coroutine support still seems too lacking to run this library without crashing, though it does seem to be able to run the "hello world" parser example.

I am told that this library now builds successfully with MSVC, so any MSVC build breakages should be considered a regression.


To build and run, you will need a recent build of Clang trunk (which at the time of writing should be the as-yet-unreleased Clang 12) along with a standard library that supports enough of C++20 and Coroutines. For the standard library I use libstdc++ from gcc 11.1.0, though more recent ones should work as well.

The build is done with CMake, and here is a typical build process that I use on Ubuntu Linux 20.04 on an x86_64 system that will use a build of LLVM located at /path/to/llvm and a libstdc++ 11.1.0 located in /path/to/gcc:


$ git clone
$ cd parsco


# From the parsco directory:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. \
       -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
       -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/path/to/llvm/bin/clang++" \
       -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT="-nostdinc++ -I/path/to/gcc/include/c++/11.1.0 -I/path/to/gcc/include/c++/11.1.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" \
       -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT="-Wl,-rpath,/path/to/gcc/lib64 -L/path/to/gcc/lib64 -fuse-ld=lld"


$ make -j8

Run examples

# From the build directory:
$ ./src/example/hello-world-parser
$ ./src/example/json-parser

Though you may well have to tweak the CMake command to work with your setup.

Runtime Performance

When using Clang with optimizations enabled (-O3), I have observed that a complex parser made of many combinators using this library can be optimized down by the compiler to a point where it runs around 15x slower than a parser hand-coded in C, in the benchmarks that I ran.

Given how incredibly fast a hand-coded C parser can be, and given the high level of abstraction that can be attained using this library, it is perhaps not so bad. That said, performance is very important in the C++ ecosystem and thus a goal of this library is to eventually attain C-level performance without sacrificing any of the abstraction.

Theoretically, it should be the case when using this library that all coroutine frame heap allocations can/should be elided by the compiler. But, unfortunately, that does not seem to happen in the instances where I have looked at the generated code. I am not sure why this is at the moment, but I am hopeful that this situation will improve in the future due to either a) an increase in my own understanding of coroutine library optimization techniques, b) help from contributors who have expertise in this area, or c) an increase in compiler's ability to optimize coroutines.

If we could get the compiler to elide the coroutine frames and allocations, subsequent inlining I believe could allow this library to reach C-level performance levels. Help with that would be much appreciated.

In non-optimized builds, the performance (relative to said C parser) is even worse unfortunately, and this is another problem that would be nice to improve upon (any help is appreciated).

Error Messages

Upon parse failure, the parsco parser framework is always able to give the location (line and column) that the error occurred in the input text. However, it is not generally able to provide a human-readable error message describing what the parser was expecting, unless the failure was initiated by use of the fail combinator as demonstrated in the Hello World example above.

It may be possible to enhance the library so that a given parser can be inspected to automatically determine what characters it was expecting in order to automatically generate more useful error messages. Some parser frameworks in some libraries are able to do this to some extent, but it is difficult.

That said, even if that were possible, it seems that the most user-intelligible error message are still going to be provided mainly by the programmer via the fail( "..." ) combinator.

Combinator Niebloids

As a quick implementation note on the combinators, if you look at the source code (mainly in combinators.hpp) you'll notice that many of them are implemented as niebloids instead of function templates. This is actually not to do with ADL but instead is to work around an issue that Clang seems to have with function template coroutines (it yields strange runtime errors when such coroutines is called). Hopefully that will be fixed eventually, at which point the niebloids in this library can be changed back to function templates.

Similar Libraries

This section lists any other C++ coroutine parser libraries that are available or in development for comparison:

Combinator Reference

Below is documentation for each parser and combinator function in this library. As you will see, there are many more combinators available than those that have been demonstrated in the examples thus far. Hence, to get the most out of this library, you are encouraged to read through these to get a sense of the tools that will be in your toolbox.

This is the official documentation for the combinators. I am better at maintaining the combinator descriptions in this README than in the code comments, so I'd recommend looking here instead of to the comments above each function.

Basic Parsers


This parser consumes a char that must be c, otherwise it fails. When it fails, it will produce an error message to the effect of "expected character 'x'".

parser<char> chr( char c );


This parser consumes any char, fails only at EOF (end-of-file a.k.a. end-of-input).

parser<char> any_chr();


This parser parses a single character for which the predicate returns true, fails otherwise.

template<typename T>
parser<char> pred( T func );

The predicate function should be callable with a char and should return something that is implicitly convertible to bool.


This combinator returns a parser that always succeeds and produces the given value.

template<typename T>
parser<T> ret( T );


This parser consumes one space character (specifically, an ASCII 0x20). It Will fail if it does not find one.

parser<> space();

If you want to parse zero-or-more spaces (as is common in parsing) then instead use the parsco::blanks parser.


This parser consumes one character that must be either a CR (carriage return) or LF (line feed), and will fail if it does not find one.

parser<> crlf();


This parser consumes one tab character. Will fail if it does not find one.

parser<> tab();


This parser consumes one character that must be either a space, tab, CR, or LF, and fails otherwise.

parser<> blank();


This parser consumes one digit char ([0-9]) or fails.

parser<char> digit();


This parser parses one lowercase letter ([a-z]) or fails.

parser<char> lower();


This parser parses one uppercase letter ([A-Z]) or fails.

parser<char> upper();


This parser parses one letter ([a-zA-Z]) or fails.

parser<char> alpha();


This parser parses one alphanumeric character ([a-zA-Z0-9]) or fails.

parser<char> alphanum();


This parser consumes one char if it is one of the ones in s, otherwise fails.

parser<char> one_of( std::string s );

As is discussed in the section on parameter lifetime above, this function takes the string by value in order to avoid dangling references that might result in some cases if it were to use either a const std::string& or a std::string_view or the like.


This parser consumes one char if it is not one of the ones in s, otherwise fails.

parser<char> not_of( std::string s );

As is discussed in the section on parameter lifetime above, this function takes the string by value in order to avoid dangling references that might result in some cases if it were to use either a const std::string& or a std::string_view or the like.


This parser succeeds if the input stream is finished, and fails otherwise. Can be used to test if all input has been consumed.

parser<> eof();

See also the exhaust parser below which is related.

Trying and Backtracking

The try_* family of combinators allow attempting a parser which may not succeed and backtracking if it fails.


This combinator simply wraps another parser and signals that it is to be allowed to fail. Moreover, the try_ wrapper will wrap the return type of the parser in a parsco::result_t<T>, which is analogous to a std::expected (we will use std::expected when it becomes available).

template<Parser P> // note Parser here is a C++20 Concept.
parser<parsco::result_t<R>> try_( P p );

where R is P::value_type, i.e., the result of running parser p.

In other words, if p is a parser of type parser<T>, then try_{ p } yields a parser of type parser<parsco::result_t<T>>. When it is run, the parser p will be run and, if it fails, the resulting result_t will contain an error and the parser will have backtracked to restore the current position in the input buffer to what it was before the parser began, thus giving subsequent parsers the opportunity to parse the same input. If p succeeds, then the result_t contains its result.

Hence, a parser wrapped in try_ never fails in the sense that parsers normally fail in this library (by aborting the entire parse); instead, a failure is communicated via return value.


This parser will try running the given parser but ignore the result. This is useful if you want to run a parser but a) you don't care if it succeeds, and b) you don't care what its result is if it succeeds. This can sometimes help to get rid of "unused return value" compiler warnings.

template<Parser P>
parser<> try_ignore( P p );



This parser attempts to consume the exact string given at the current position in the input string, and fails otherwise.

parser<> str( std::string sv );


This parser attempts to parse a valid identifier, which must match the regex [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*.

parser<std::string> identifier();


This parser consumes zero or more blank spaces (including newlines and tabs). It will never fail.

parser<> blanks();


This parser parses "..." and returns the characters inside the quotes, which may contain newlines. Note that these return string views into the buffer because they are implemented using the parser primitives defined in the file magic.hpp, i.e., combinators for which there is special support within the parsco::promise_type object, just for efficiency.

parser<std::string_view> double_quoted_str();


This parser parses '...' and returns the characters inside the quotes, which may contain newlines. Note that these return string views into the buffer because they are implemented using the parser primitives defined in the file magic.hpp, i.e., combinators for which there is special support within the parsco::promise_type object, just for efficiency.

parser<std::string_view> single_quoted_str();


This parser parses a string that is either in double quotes or single quotes. Does not allow escaped quotes within the string.

parser<std::string> quoted_str();


Many of the combinators in this section are actually higher-order functions. They take functions that, when called (which is typically done in some repeated fashion), produce parser objects to be run.

A single parser<T> object represents a live coroutine, and so it itself cannot be run multiple times; instead, if a combinator needs to run a user-specified parser multiple times, it must accept a function that produces those parsers when called.


This parser parses zero or more of the given parser.

template<typename Func, typename... Args>
parser<R> many( Func f, Args... args );

where R is a std::vector if the element parser returns something other than a character, or a std::string otherwise.

As mentioned in the introduction to this section, the argument to the combinator is not actually a parser, but rather a function which, when called with the given arguments, produces a parser object. The function will be invoked on the arguments multiple times to repeatedly generate parsers until a parser fails to parse, at which point the many parser finishes (always successfully) and backtracks over any fragment of input that failed parsing in the last iteration.


This parser parses zero or more of the given type for the given language tag using the parsco ADH extension point mechanism. That is, it will call parsco::parse<Lang, T>() to parse a T and may do so multiple times.

template<typename Lang, typename T>
parser<R> many_type();

where R is a std::vector if the element parser returns something other than a character, or a std::string otherwise.

See the JSON example in the examples folder or the above section on user types for how to make user-defined types parsable using the ADL extension point of the parsco library.


This parser parses one or more of the given parser (technically it's the parser returned by invoking the given function on the given arguments).

template<typename Func, typename... Args>
auto many1( Func f, Args... args ) const -> parser<R>;

where R is a std::vector if the element parser returns something other than a character, or a std::string otherwise.


This parser runs multiple parsers in sequence, and only succeeds if all of them succeed. Returns all results in a tuple.

template<typename... Parsers>
parser<std::tuple<...>> seq( Parsers... );

This combinator takes parser objects directly (as opposed to functions-that-return-parsers) because each parser only needs to be run at most once. Although note that if a parser fails, the subsequent ones will not be run.


This parser runs multiple parsers in sequence, and only succeeds if all of them succeed. Returns the result of the last parser.

template<typename... Parsers>
parser<R> seq_last( Parsers... ps );

where R is the value_type of the last parser in the argument list. As above, this combinator also takes parser objects directly as opposed to functions.


This parser runs multiple parsers in sequence, and only succeeds if all of them succeed. Returns first result.

template<typename... Parsers>
parser<R> seq_first( Parsers... ps );

where R is the value_type of the first parser in the argument list. As above, this combinator also takes parser objects directly as opposed to functions.


This parser parses "g f g f g f" and returns the f's.

template<typename F, typename G>
parser<R> interleave_first( F f, G g, bool sep_required = true );

where R is the value_type of the parser f. F and G are nullary functions that return parser objects.


This parser parses "f g f g f g" and returns the f's.

template<typename F, typename G>
parser<R> interleave_last( F f, G g, bool sep_required = true );

where R is the value_type of the parser f. F and G are nullary functions that return parser objects.


This parser parses "f g f g f" and returns the f's.

template<typename F, typename G>
parser<R> interleave( F f, G g, bool sep_required = true );

where R is the value_type of the parser f. F and G are nullary functions that return parser objects.


This parser runs multiple string-yielding parsers in sequence and concatenates the results into one string.

template<typename... Parsers>
parser<std::string> cat( Parsers... ps );

In other words, each of the Parsers must be a parser<std::string>.

operator >>

This operator runs the parsers in sequence (all must succeed) and returns the result of the final one.

template<Parser T, Parser U>
parser<typename U::value_type> operator>>( T l, U r );

// Example
co_await (blanks() >> identifier());

operator <<

This operator runs the parsers in sequence (all must succeed) and returns the result of the first one.

template<Parser T, Parser U>
parser<typename T::value_type> operator<<( T l, U r );

// Example
co_await (identifier() << blanks());

Note: despite the direction that the operator is pointing (<<), the parsers are still run from left-to-right order, and the result of the left-most one is returned, assuming of course that they all succeed.


This means that we give a set of possible parsers, only one of which needs to succeed. These parsers use the try_ combinator internally, and so therefore they will do backtracking after each failed parser before invoking the next one.


This parser runs the parsers in sequence until the first one succeeds, then returns its result (all of the parsers must return the same result type). If none of them succeed then the parser fails. Another way to use this combinator is to use the pipe (|) operator defined below.

template<typename P, typename... Ps>
requires( std::is_same_v<typename P::value_type,
                         typename Ps::value_type> && ...)
parser<R> first( P fst, Ps... rest );

where R is P::value_type. When one parser succeeds, subsequent parsers will not be run.

operator |

This operator runs the parser in the order given and returns the result of the first one that succeeds. The parsers must all return the same type.

template<Parser T, Parser U>
parser<typename U::value_type> operator|( T l, U r ) {

// Example
co_await (identifier() | quoted_str());

This is equivalent to the first parser above.

Function Application

The combinators in this section have to do with invoking functions on the results of parsers.


This parser calls the given function with the results of the parsers as arguments (which must all succeed).

NOTE: the parsers are guaranteed to be run in the order they appear in the parameter list, and that is one of the benefits of using this helper.

template<typename Func, typename... Parsers>
parser<R> invoke( Func f, Parsers... ps );

where R is the result type of the function f when invoked with the results of all of the parsers are arguments.

More explicitly, this combinator will run all of the parsers ps in the order they are passed to the function, and then use their results as the arguments to the function f, which must itself produce a parser. So in other wods, if we do this:

auto r = co_await parsco::invoke( f, any_char(), any_char() );

that is equivalent to doing:

char c1 = co_await any_char();
char c2 = co_await any_char();
auto r = co_await f( c1, c2 );

and thus as can be seen, this parser (like many others) is for convenience; it does not do anything that couldn't be done manually.


This parser calls the constructor of the given type T with the results of the parsers as arguments (which must all succeed).

template<typename T, typename... Parsers>
parser<T> emplace( Parsers... ps );

The parsers will be run in the order they are passed to the function. Example:

struct Point {
  Point( int x_, int y_ ) : x( x_ ), y( y_ ) {}
  int x;
  int y;

// Assuming that we have a parser for integers called parse_int:
Point p = co_await parsco::emplace<Point>( parse_int(),
                                           parse_int() );

In particular, note that we are not co_awaiting on the results of the parse_int() calls; we just give the combinators to emplace and it does the rest. This can reduce some verbosity in parsers from time to time. Think of this as an analog to Haskell's <$> operator for Applicatives.


The venerable fmap combinator runs the parser p and applies the given function to the result, if successful. The function typically does not return a parser; it is just a normal function.

template<Parser P, typename Func>
  requires( std::is_invocable_v<Func, typename P::value_type> )
parser<R> fmap( Func f, P p );

where R is the result of invoking the function on the value_type of the parser p. This can be seen as a single-parameter version of the invoke combinator above.

Error Detection


This combinator runs the given parser and if it fails it will return the error message given (as opposed to any error message that was produced by the parser).

template<typename Parser>
Parser on_error( Parser p, std::string err_msg );

This is used to provide more meaningful error messages to users in response to a given parser having failed. If you use this combinator at all, then generally you'll want to use it on lower-level (leaf) parsers as opposed to using it to wrap higher level parsers; if you do the latter then it will effectively suppress error messages from all lower parsers, replacing them with a single error message, which is probably not useful to the user.

A better use would be with a parser like chr:

using namespace parsco;

char c = co_await on_error( chr( '=' ), "assignment operator is required because..." );

which will give the user a meaningful error message; had the on_error combinator not been used, then the error message would have defaulted to that produced by chr, which, at best, would be limited to something like "expected =" (that is the best that the chr combinator can do on its own).


This parser runs the given parser and then checks that the input buffers has been exhausted (if not, it fails). Returns the result from the parser on success (i.e., when all input has been consumed).

template<typename Parser>
Parser exhaust( Parser p );


This parser is not really a parser, it just takes a nullable entity (such as a std::optional, std::expected, std::unique_ptr, parsco::result_t<T>, etc.), and it will return a parser object that, when run, will try to get the value from inside of the nullable object. If the object does not contain a value, then the parser will fail. If it does contain an object, the parser will yield it as its result.

template<Nullable N>
parser<typename N::value_type> lift( N n );

Conceptually this is analogous to a monadic "lift" operation as you'd have in functional languages where a monadic value is lifted from an inner monad (e.g. std::optional<T>) to the transformed monad (parsco::parser<T>).



This parser runs the given parser p between characters l and r (or parsers l and r, depending on the overload chosen) and, if all parsers are successful, returns only the result of the parser p (i.e., what is inside the delimiters).

template<typename T>
parser<T> bracketed( char l, parser<T> p, char r );

template<typename L, typename R, typename T>
parser<T> bracketed( parser<L> l, parser<T> p, parser<R> r );

For example, to parse an identifier between two curly braces, you could do:

using namespace parsco;
using namespace std;

string ident = co_await bracketed( '{',
                                   '}' )

Given an input of "{hello}" that would yield "hello".


C++20 Coroutine-Based Synchronous Parser Combinator Library







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