UPDATE: This project no longer works, as it relies on the Yahoo! Finance Historical Data API, which was decomissioned in July 2021
This was created as a final project for my Web Applications Programming class (CS1520.) I led my team in creating a stock portfolio website that allows users to lookup stocks and create and track their own portfolio. This was implemented with a Flask backend, GCP datastore database, and HTML/CSS/JS.
I deployed this app on GCP AppEngine, check it out here!
This app has been removed, as it does not function without the Yahoo Finance historical data API
Please install Docker
You must copy the GCP key to as deploy/GCP_ds_key.json before running serve.sh
To run the flask server, run this from the root directory
Then navigate to http://localhost:8080
To install new requirements or fresh build, run it like this
./serve.sh fresh
cd src
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/cs1520-stockstack-747fd526bb24.json
python3 main.py
Pages are lazy loaded so any file can be modified while the server is running, besides main.py. If you edit main.py just cntl+c serve.sh and run it again.