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Releases: noatpad/typora-theme-ursine

2.0.2 - Just some tiny fixes, don't mind me

21 Sep 20:23
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More maintenance! Just a tiny update though


  • #66: Fix bold text being shown as not bold in PDFs when in a list


  • #55: Altered the selection and highlight color for Umbra

Not sure which release to download? This can probably help.

Like the theme a lot?

If you happen to enjoy the theme and are feeling generous, you can share a small coffee with me if you like. It's a nice feeling knowing people like the theme and would support it~.


2.0.1 - Splashscreens strike again

10 Aug 00:13
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And now for another somewhat inconsistent update, 'cause maintenance!


  • Add a slight indicator/coloring to header icons when focused on its header (thanks to @Konfido in #58)


  • #56: Fix issues of creating headlines using shortcuts (thanks to @Konfido, #58)
  • Fix npm version number 'cause I wasn't aware the version numbers had to be strictly 3 numbers or problems happen. Whoops (thanks to @Technik-J, #60)
  • typora/typora-issues#3718: Fix cursor locking to the beginning of the first paragraph upon clicking (thanks to @abnerlee, #61)

Not sure which release to download? This can probably help.

Like the theme a lot?

If you happen to enjoy the theme and are feeling generous, you can share a small coffee with me if you like. It's a nice feeling knowing people like the theme and would support it~.


2.0 - Heck it, I'm calling it 2.0 because it's been a while

01 Apr 00:18
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It's been a while since the first release, so I think it's only fitting to call it 2.0 after so long (that and I prefer single digits, and yes, I'm nitpicky). Glad to see this theme come so far!


  • Added styling for <kbd> button tags. Surprisingly, no one ever talks about them. (#49)
  • Added an easier way to see the selected option in the Quick Open window, including an arrow over said selection file (#54 by @krokofant)
  • Added consistent styling between both types of code blocks (inline and code fences). Now they'll have similar color palettes for your dev needs (#52)
  • Also added a tad of padding to inline code


  • Fixed the Quick Open text color in Ursine Polar (#48)
  • Fixed button hover color in preferences (#50)


  • List bullets and numbers are now shown in bold (#49)
  • Adjusted background color and padding for highlighted text (#49)
  • Dimmed the text color for quotes (#49)
  • Adjusted megamenu hover colors

Not sure which release to download? This can probably help.

Like the theme a lot?

If you happen to enjoy the theme and are feeling generous, you can share a small coffee with me if you like. It's a nice feeling knowing people like the theme and would support it~.


1.9.1 - You didn't see a border, nope no sir

04 Mar 17:41
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Quick hotfix because of course I forgot something, ahah


  • Remove the black border on the footer. Forgot to take that off after pushing the release, & it probably doesn't look nice on Polar

Not sure which release to download? This can probably help.

Like the theme a lot?

If you happen to enjoy the theme and are feeling generous, you can share a small coffee with me if you like. It's a nice feeling knowing people like the theme and would support it~.


1.9 - Dropping down to the footer and sidebar

03 Mar 18:47
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This is more of styling what's outside of the writing area. Who knew?


  • Style the "files" menu on the bottom of the sidebar
  • Slightly adjust the indentation in the file tree view & the outline view


  • Change the text selection background color, so that they fit into the theme and are more readable, especially in Source Code mode (#47)
  • Adjust and refine the styling in dropdown menus (#47)


  • The footer is (hopefully) properly styled (#47)

Not sure which release to download? This can probably help.

Like the theme a lot?

If you happen to enjoy the theme and are feeling generous, you can share a small coffee with me if you like. It's a nice feeling knowing people like the theme and would support it~.


1.8.1 - I knew I'd miss something

15 Jan 02:43
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Quick hotfix because I'm a forgetful boy.


  • Actually replace the Cousine font with Fira Mono. I forgot to update the file (gulpfile.js) to actually include this font with the release. Silly me.

See the rest of the changes in the 1.8 changelog just before this one. There's quite a few of them actually.

(Also gonna repeat this for safe measure)

Not sure which release to download? This can probably help.

Like the theme a lot?

If you happen to enjoy the theme and are feeling generous, you can share a small coffee with me if you like. It's a nice feeling knowing people like the theme and would support it~.


1.8 - Belated patching, but we're living through the decade

14 Jan 22:49
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So how's the new decade treating ya? It was a bit...rocky at first, but at least things are panning out now.


  • Add styling to the outline dropdown in MacOS (#42)
  • There's now an "alt" release pack! This pack in particular uses similar fonts to the ones normally used, but they have more language support than those, such as Greek, Vietnamese, & also Cyrillic. They're not quite the same look, but these should be a great backup choice if your case requires it. (#45) 🇬🇷
  • Add Linux support to the gulp dev script! 🛠


  • Fix potential rule overlapping for codeblocks. I miiight have forgotten to fix this and never realized this was a problem for a while, whoops. (#41)
  • Fix hover colors for Polar's sidebar
  • Refine further mermaid diagrams (#40)
  • Readjust the header markers correctly. I swear this should be the last time.


  • Changed the monospace font to Fira Mono. I really like this font.

Not sure which release to download? This can probably help.

Like the theme a lot?

If you happen to enjoy the theme and are feeling generous, you can share a small coffee with me if you like. It's a nice feeling knowing people like the theme and would support it~.


1.7 - Laptop batteries and sharing coffee?

08 Oct 03:53
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Heyo, it's been a while! Computer batteries issues happened, but I'm back after a delayed repair trip~

Before I get into the changelog though...

I just wanted to mention something quick and small. I debated on it, but I thought why not, especially since a lot of people seem to like this theme. If you happen to feel really generous after trying this theme, maybe you'd like to share a coffee?

This originally was a personal project to style a Markdown editor I really liked, and ever since publishing it here, I've been periodically refining it in my free time. So if you do feel like showing thanks in that way, this college boy will appreciate it greatly~


Alright! On to the changes!


  • Added a gulp dev script! With it, the changes you do will directly modify Ursine in Typora's theme folder, so now you can build your own variation of this theme a bit easier. (Note that this currently only works on MacOS & Windows. Linux can be added, I just need a tad of help there locating the theme folder there). Thanks to @krokofant (#37) 🛠
  • Add styling to the new preferences window & some new modals (#27)
  • Add styling to mermaid diagrams. Interestingly enough, the mermaid diagram colors were hardcoded as far as I can tell, even if Typora itself could adjust them beforehand. (#38)
  • Add styling to the "Insert Table" modal


  • Fixed some hover colors in the Windows megamenu
  • Readjust the coloring of inline code blocks. Now it can be more visible in some areas like in certain rows in a table (#29)
  • Code is now visible in outline titles (#30)
  • Fix the hover color of the autosuggestion list of code blocks


  • Updated Ursine Polar's highlight color back to a pleasant green. I kinda missed it.
  • The README got a bit of polishing! Nifty badges and up-to-date images and info on the theme~

1.6.3 - Well I'm late

01 Aug 03:29
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Alright, two things to note here before talking about the fixes! One is saying sorry that it took a while for me to work through the issues since the last release. I've been out of the country for a while, and when I got back, I didn't check back here for a good amount of time, so sorry bout that, ahah 💦

And in other news because I didn't notice earlier, & I thought it was neat. A lot of you guys like this theme, & it became the most popular, open-sourced theme for Typora!
It's funny looking back that I did this back then as a personal thing, so I'm glad others are liking it as well~

Onto the fixes now!


  • I was an idiot & did not only misspelled one of the font names in the theme files, but also forgot to include the Cousine font that's used for code blocks. Good job, me. These are now fixed, thanks to @danstewart & @krokofant respectively. (#19 & #20)
  • When renaming a file in the Tree view, the editable text is now visible. (#18 thanks to @krokofant)
  • In Windows Unibody (I think), hovering over a label in preferences would change its text color to white. This has been resolved (#22 thanks to @krokofant)


  • The background colors of highlighted words have been changed to better suit the theme. (#17)

1.6.2 - Securing them files

29 May 18:17
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10 releases! Didn't expect so many people to like this theme, so I'm glad you guys like it~


  • Fix header indicator y-offsets once more. They were too low this time.
  • Upgrade tar to patch a security vulnerability. Though to be honest, not sure how badly it can affect things here. These are CSS files, after all.