UPDATE: Check out an implementation https://github.com/noelportugal/AmazonEchoHomeAutomation
This is a simple way to login to Amazon and retrieve the unnoficial Echo API. I purposely didn't use Amazon SDKs so anyone can see how to simulate a login and implement with any language. The endoint investigation was done by Owen Piettes and can be found here http://www.piettes.com/the-amazon-echo-api/.
Here is a list of some the endpoints that are of particular interest to observe:
- TODOs: https://pitangui.amazon.com/api/todos?type=TASK&size=1
- Cards: https://pitangui.amazon.com/api/cards?limit=3
- Notifications: https://pitangui.amazon.com/api/notifications
AmazonEchoApi amazonEchoApi = new AmazonEchoApi("https://pitangui.amazon.com","username", "password");
if (amazonEchoApi.httpLogin()){
String output = amazonEchoApi.httpGet("/api/todos?type=TASK&size=1");
After getting output you can parse the JSON and do whatever you want. If you look at my AmazonEchoApi.java main, you will see that I check the TODO list every 15 seconds and store the itemId. If there is a new one then I go ahead and trigger whatever I want.
This example was build with Netbeans and runs in a Raspberry Pi. I included the following libs:
- HttpClient
- Simple-JSON
- JSoup
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
AmazonEchoApi amazonEchoApi = new AmazonEchoApi("https://pitangui.amazon.com","username", "password");
if (amazonEchoApi.httpLogin()){
while (true) {
String output = amazonEchoApi.httpGet("/api/todos?type=TASK&size=1");
// Parse JSON
Object obj = JSONValue.parse(output);
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj;
JSONArray values = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("values");
JSONObject item = (JSONObject)values.get(0);
// Get text and itemId
String text = item.get("text").toString();
String itemId = item.get("itemId").toString();
if (!checkItemId(itemId)){
// Do something. ie Hue Lights, etc
System.out.println("No new commands");
// Sleep for 15 seconds