This repository contains all the base code required for data gathering, model training, and classification of sign language gestures based on ISL (Indian Sign Language) using Google's MediaPipe.
A Deep Learning Neural Network is used to classify sign language gestures. For data gathering purposes (increasing the number of static/dynamic gestures), Google MediaPipe is used to access the webcam via OpenCV, mapping the key points around each hand with 21 points and a center point on the nose to maintain reference.
To clone this repository, follow these steps:
Create an empty project directory and run the following commands:
git clone
cd sign-speak-companion
Add a new gesture label in key_classifier_label.csv.
Run the script and toggle to mode 0 by pressing the k key. Enter the specified row number for the newly added gesture in the CSV file to store the corresponding data.
Perform the gesture in front of the camera: a. Press s for single data capture. b. Press Enter for continuous data capture at each specified timestamp.
To see how many rows have been collected for a specified gesture, run
Run the keypoint_classification_EN.ipynb notebook to retrain the neural network.
To add dynamic gestures, separately add both parts of the gesture to the CSV (e.g., hello_1, hello_2) and gather the data for each part separately. After data gathering, modify to ensure that hello is only detected after hello_2 is detected following hello_1.
- Run and toggle to mode 1 by pressing the k key to turn on Detecting mode.
- Perform the gesture in front of the camera, and the results will be visible in the camera frame.