This code is inspired and based on YAWK
Running on Python's distribution from NiLuJe
Using the excellent library FBInk from NiLuJe
Everything was tested on a [Kobo Aura and TOUCH] (python3.9.1 on kobo-stuff-1.6.N-r18009)
This software is provided as is and may void your warranty if used.
Follow the guidelines at your own risk, I'm not responsible for any problems that might arise from this app's usage.
- For best results, Reset your device to factory defaults: (This can be skipped, but it makes for a clean start)
- Turn it off
- Holding the Light Switch, slide the power button for ~1 sec
- Hold the Light switch until the "Restoring" screen appears
- Follow directions on the screen (you'll need the Kobo Setup app and an account, I used from RakutenKobo itself)
- Update everything, connect to your WiFi network
- Provide telnet access - you can skip this step if you're able to find out the IP address of the device using some other method.
- Check the file .kobo/ip.txt for the IP address
- Install NiLuJe's Stuff - tested with Version 1.6.N @ r18009 on 2021-Jan-22
- Download the pre built stuff
- Extract contents to a folder
- Connect the Kobo using the USB cable and copy the KoboRoot.tgz to the /.kobo/ folder
- Remove the device and let it do its thing (it should reboot)
- Using the preferred FTP client (ie: WinSCP), copy the repository's content to the folder /mnt/onboard/.apps/KoboHUB
- Create an account in Open Weather Maps:
- Take note of your API key
- Find out the ID your city (use the website to check the weather in your city, copy the ID from the URL)
- Open a SSH (or telnet) connection (user: root, password blank):
- Install Python 3
tmux new -s kobo update-kobostuff Python
- Navigate to /mnt/onboard/.apps/KoboHUB/ and run
- if it says "-sh ./ not found", you have to convert the line endings to unix style:
sed -i 's/^M$//'
- Answer the questions correctly
- if it says "-sh ./ not found", you have to convert the line endings to unix style:
- Install Python 3
In the config.ini you can set values to below parameters
you can set the parameter screen-orientation
you need to restart KoboHUB if you change the value for best results.
you can configure how oten the dashboard refreshes by setting the follwing value in the config.ini
by this example there is a mutipler of 5 to the value with the value of 60 (Seconds), it will therefore refresh every 5 minutes it is not recommended to set the value below 30
Added support for variable refreshes over the 24 hours. I also added a backlit scedule per hour in the same file. On Kobo that has Backlit, you can now schedule at what brightness (0 for none and up to 100 for max) the (backlit_setting) has comma separation per hour (statrs a 0 hour), you can then set each hour to a value between 0 and 100.
An indicator at the top right shows the mutipler counter in 5 dots.
Uses Open Weather Maps as forecast and current conditions provider
- Acquire an API key, sign up for a free account here: (
- once signed up - go to ( and generate one
- Now, to get your ow-city ID , go back to (, seach for your city (for example Montreal)
- take the id from the URL or the city you selected for example in take the 6077243
- You have now successfully configure weather 🎉
Weather Config parameter | Description |
ow-units | metric or imperial |
ow-langage | en |
for other language codes, see (
Transit Schedule Config parameter | Description |
transit-feature | (TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable this feautre) WARNING All transit settings will be ingored if set to FASLSE |
transit-icon | can be set to BUS, METRO or TRAM |
transit-id | The number to display within the transit-icon Icon on the dashboard, up to ### digits |
transit-stop-name | The Name of the stop to be shwon below the icon |
Uses [TransitAPI] ( for transit schedules - THIS FEAURE IS OFF by default
- Acquire a Transit API key, ( - see (
- once signed up - you need to get the transit-stop (known as the global-stop-id by Transit)
I have made a small client for you to get the transit STOP id needed for the API to query on.
it is called It uses the API Key in the config.ini or asks for it if not preset.
Run it and follow the on-screen instructions:
[root@phoenix KoboHUB]# python
Using API KEY: [your API key will be here]
This will help you get the value for the [transit-stop] when using the transit API
Enter latitude (e.g. 45.526168077787894): 45.526168077787894
Enter longitune (e.g. -73.59506067289408): -73.59506067289408
Max radius (e.g. 150):
Radius set to 150 by default, you may need to incease this value if no stops are found
Connecting to Transit API...
Getting stop ID's for location..
Found 2 stops
Global_stop_id -> local stop id
STM:94380 local stop id -> 51752
STM:94370 local stop id -> 51742
Take the the id starting with XXX:NNNNN and map it to the one printed on your local stop
Example in Long Island NICE:46145 local stop id 3847
The NICE:46145 is the transit ID, mapped to a Local stop id 3847 - this is usually printed on the stop sign
Enter the XXXX:####into the config.ini
Example: transit-stop=NICE:46145
- Now, use this to find the local stop id and enter this in the config.ini
- Enter an id that you want to show in the dashboard in the transit-id (above)
- You have now successfully configure dynamic transit data! 🎉
Dynamic Transit Schedule Config parameter | Description |
use-transit-api | Set this to TRUE to enable this, if set to FALSE it will be disabled |
transit-apikey | YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR API KEY HERE |
If you cannot or do not want o use dynamic transit times (using the Transit API) I have added support for static transit times as well.
in the config.ini you can configure the following :
Static Transit Schedule Config parameter | Description |
use-generic-transit | Set this to TRUE to enable this, if set to FALSE it will be disabled |
generic-transit-timeframe | Can be INTERVAL, FALSE, or ALL - is ingored if use-generic-transit is set to FALSE |
if you set generic-transit-timeframe
to INTERVAL - you need to consider below values
This can be used in combination with the transit API or alone
if used in combination you can set when the static times should take precedence over the dynamic API call
This means that you can use the static schedule ourside of peak hours (not to use the API / Wifi)
if not, you can igonre them.
Static Transit Schedule Config parameter | Description |
live-cutin-stop | 13 (when to start using INTERVAL) - is ignored if use-generic-transit is set to FALSE or ALL |
live-cutin-start | 5 (when to stop using INTERVAL) - is ignored if use-generic-transit is set to FALSE or ALL |
The time formant is 24h in this example, the dashboard will use LIVE (Transit API) times between 5h (5 am) and 13h (1pm) - outside of that - it will use the static schedule (see below)
You then MUST configure the file generic_transit_schedules.ini
Static Transit Schedule Config parameter | Description |
weekdays | |
schedule | Enter a comma separated schedule (e.g. 05:43,06:03,05:43,06:03,06:33 etc.) |
saturdays | |
schedule | Enter a comma separated schedule (e.g. 05:43,06:03,05:43,06:03,06:33 etc.) |
sundays | |
schedule | Enter a comma separated schedule (e.g. 05:43,06:03,05:43,06:03,06:33 etc.) |
Inside the file ther are sections for weekdays, saturdays and Sundays. If the schedule is the same for weekdays and saturdays for example, just make sure they contain is the same. I have not split the schedule our on other days.
Once done, this will be loaded by the generic_transit sub-function and called by the main KoboHUB code. please ensure that you follow the format or it will not work (and most likely crash) The time format used is 24H - I have not coded for am/pm
To enable this feautre, you need to turn in on in the config.ini
Config.ini parameter | Description |
garbage-show | TRUE - (Set to FALSE to DISABLE) |
Once set to TRUE, you can then configure this in as per below
You must then configure the gargage_schedules.ini file with the following parameters
Garbage Schedule Config parameter | Description |
landfill-schedule | |
title | Garbage - The description for this type of garbage |
prepare-date-month | Enter a comma sparated daymonth e.g. 07Jan,03Feb |
collect-date-month | Enter a comma sparated daymonth e.g. 07Jan,03Feb |
recycle-schedule | |
title | Recycle - The description for this type of garbage |
prepare-date-month | Enter a comma sparated daymonth e.g. 07Jan,03Feb |
collect-date-month | Enter a comma sparated daymonth e.g. 07Jan,03Feb |
compost-schedule | |
title | Compost -- The description for this type of garbage |
prepare-date-month | Enter a comma sparated daymonth e.g. 07Jan,03Feb |
collect-date-month | Enter a comma sparated daymonth e.g. 07Jan,03Feb |
dumpster-schedule | |
title | large garbage & dumpster - The description for this type of garbage |
prepare-date-month | Enter a comma sparated daymonth e.g. 07Jan,03Feb |
collect-date-month | Enter a comma sparated daymonth e.g. 07Jan,03Feb |
holiday-tree-schedule | |
title | Holiday Tree and Branches - The description for this type of garbage |
collect-date-month | Enter a comma sparated daymonth e.g. 07Jan,03Feb |
all-garbage | |
prepare-message | Please empty all bags into the bins! |
collect-message | Please take the bin out to the curb! |
collection-time-over | 18 |
This is the time (24h) for when the garbage collection is deemed over - signalling the collection-time-over-message-line1&2 messages garbage-time-message-today=Today is Used to construct the message using the <title> For example, it will say "Today is Garbage day"
Garbage Schedule Config parameter | Description |
garbage-time-message-tomorrow | Tomorrow is |
garbage-time-message-end | day |
collection-time-over-message-line1 | Collection is complete... |
collection-time-over-message-line2 | Please take the bin back in again! |
garbage-time-message-tomorrow=Tomorrow is garbage-time-message-end=day Used to construct the message using the <title> For example, it will say "Tomorrow is Recycle & Compost day"
make sure you use a leading 0 for single digit days
in this example , the quote and garbage-schedule is enabled.