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File metadata and controls

95 lines (81 loc) · 7.26 KB


A bridge between norlab_icp_mapper and ROS. Check the mapper's documentation for a detailed guide.

Node Parameters

Name Description Possible values Default Value
odom_frame Frame used for odometry. Any string "odom"
robot_frame Frame centered on the robot. Any string "base_link"
mapping_config Path to the file containing the mapping config. Any file path ""
initial_map_file_name Path of the file from which the initial map is loaded. Any file path ""
initial_robot_pose Transformation matrix in homogeneous coordinates describing the initial pose of the robot in the map frame. Any matrix of dimension 3 or 4 "[[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]"
final_map_file_name Path of the file in which the final map is saved when is_online is false. Any file path "map.vtk"
final_trajectory_file_name Path of the file in which the final trajectory is saved when is_online is false. Any file path "trajectory.vtk"
map_publish_rate Rate at which the map is published (in Hertz). It can be slower depending on the map update rate. (0, ∞) 10.0
map_tf_publish_rate Rate at which the map tf is published (in Hertz). (0, ∞) 10.0
max_idle_time Delay to wait being idle before shutting down ROS when is_online is false (in seconds). [0, ∞) 10.0
is_mapping true when map updates are wanted, false when only localization is wanted. {true, false} true
is_online true when online mapping is wanted, false otherwise. {true, false} true
is_3D true when a 3D sensor is used, false when a 2D sensor is used. {true, false} true
save_map_cells_on_hard_drive true when map cell storage on hard drive is wanted, false when map cell storage in RAM is wanted. {true, false} true
publish_tfs_between_registrations When false, the map tf is published only after registration. Otherwise with map_tf_publish_rate. {true, false} true

Node Topics

Name Description
points_in Topic from which the input points are retrieved.
map Topic in which the map is published.
icp_odom Topic in which the corrected odometry is published.

Node Services

Name Description Parameter Name Parameter Description
save_map Saves the current map. filename Path of the file in which the map is saved.
save_trajectory Saves the current trajectory. filename Path of the file in which the trajectory is saved.
reload_yaml_config Reload the YAML config file.

Mapper Node Graph

flowchart LR

/mapper_node[ /mapper_node ]:::main

/points_in([ /points_in<br>sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 ]):::bugged
/icp_odom([ /icp_odom<br>nav_msgs/msg/Odometry ]):::bugged
/map([ /map<br>sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 ]):::bugged
/disable_mapping[/ /disable_mapping<br>std_srvs/srv/Empty \]:::bugged
/enable_mapping[/ /enable_mapping<br>std_srvs/srv/Empty \]:::bugged
/load_map[/ /load_map<br>norlab_icp_mapper_ros/srv/LoadMap \]:::bugged
/reload_yaml_config[/ /reload_yaml_config<br>std_srvs/srv/Empty \]:::bugged
/save_map[/ /save_map<br>norlab_icp_mapper_ros/srv/SaveMap \]:::bugged
/save_trajectory[/ /save_trajectory<br>norlab_icp_mapper_ros/srv/SaveTrajectory \]:::bugged

/points_in --> /mapper_node
/mapper_node --> /icp_odom
/mapper_node --> /map
/disable_mapping o-.-o /mapper_node
/enable_mapping o-.-o /mapper_node
/load_map o-.-o /mapper_node
/reload_yaml_config o-.-o /mapper_node
/save_map o-.-o /mapper_node
/save_trajectory o-.-o /mapper_node

subgraph keys[<b>Keys<b/>]
subgraph nodes[<b><b/>]
topicb((No connected)):::bugged
subgraph connection[<b><b/>]
node1 o-.-o|to server| service[/Service<br>service/Type\]:::service
service <-.->|to client| node2
node1 -->|publish| topic([Topic<br>topic/Type]):::topic
topic -->|subscribe| node2
node1 o==o|to server| action{{/Action<br>action/Type/}}:::action
action <==>|to client| node2
classDef node opacity:0.9,fill:#2A0,stroke:#391,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff
classDef action opacity:0.9,fill:#66A,stroke:#225,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
classDef service opacity:0.9,fill:#3B8062,stroke:#3B6062,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
classDef topic opacity:0.9,fill:#852,stroke:#CCC,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
classDef main opacity:0.9,fill:#059,stroke:#09F,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff
classDef bugged opacity:0.9,fill:#933,stroke:#800,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff
style keys opacity:0.15,fill:#FFF
style nodes opacity:0.15,fill:#FFF
style connection opacity:0.15,fill:#FFF
