Cam (Csv And More) is designed to be superset of CSV that can support multiple datasets in a single stream, as well as provide additional semantics on each dataset, including meta-data and column types:
@meta table employees
id:Int, name, started:Date, email
1, Bob Ross, 1983-10-15, [email protected]
2, Barney Stinson, 2005-09-05, [email protected]
3, George Costanza, 1989-03-10, [email protected]
@meta table roles
id:Int, name
1, Marketing
2, Sales
3, HR
cam :=
"@meta table employees
id:Int, name, started:Date, email
1, Bob Ross, 1983-10-15, [email protected]
2, Barney Stinson, 2005-09-05, [email protected]
3, George Costanza, 1989-03-10, [email protected]
@meta table roles
id:Int, name
1, Marketing
2, Sales
3, HR"
// read employees
r := CamReader(
m := r.readMeta
c := r.readCols
r.eachRow |r| { ... }
// next read roles (can skip readMeta/readCols)
r.eachRow |r| { ... }
// loop through all datasets
r := CamReader(
while (r.hasDataset)
m := r.readMeta
r.eachRow |r| { ... }