chess-game is a java chess library which can
- generate the legal chess moves of a position
- determine check / mate / draw
- determine the FEN notation of a position
- generate the moves of a game in SAN, FAN, LAN and UCI notation in different languages
- parse moves in SAN, FAN, LAN and UCI notation in different languages
- determine the chess opening of a game
- import and export games in PGN notation
- Supports Android 5+
- Used in the app Chess Analysis
repositories {
dependencies {
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.ChessGame;
ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame();
Move move = new Move(Square.E2, Square.E4);
// Check whether move is allowed:
if(chessGame.isLegalMove(move)) {
// Execute the move on the board:
// Or play a move by supplying the move notation:
chessGame.playMove(NotationType.SAN, "c5");
// Play several moves, seperate the moves by spaces or commas:
chessGame.playMoves(NotationType.SAN, "Nf3 d6");
// print ASCII representation of the board
// output:
// rnbqkbnr
// pppp_ppp
// ________
// ____p___
// ____P___
// __N_____
// Get FEN diagram
// output:
// rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/2N5/PPPP1PPP/R1BQKBNR b KQkq - 1 2
// Get the piece on A1
// ouput: WHITE_ROOK
ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame();
chessGame.playMoves(NotationType.SAN, "e4 f6 Nc3 g5");
System.out.println(chessGame.getGameResultType()); // output: null
chessGame.playMove(NotationType.SAN, "Qh5");
System.out.println(chessGame.getGameResultType()); // output: WHITE_WINS
chess-game supports 4 move notation types:
- Short algebraic notation (SAN). For example: Nc3
- Long algebraic notation (LAN). For example: Nb1-c3
- Figurine algebraic notation (FAN). For example: ♞c3
- The notation used in the UCI (Universal Chess Interface) protocol, which is used to communicate with chess engines. For example: b1c3
// Find all legal moves and get SAN notation of them:
.map(move -> chessGame.getNotation(NotationType.SAN, move))
// output:
// Ba3,Bb4,Bc5,Bd6,Be7,Ke7,Na6,Nc6,Ne7,Nf6,Nh6,Qe7,Qf6,Qg5,Qh4,a5,a6,b5,b6,c5,c6,d5,d6,f5,f6,g5,g6,h5,h6
The SAN en LAN notations support different languages. For example in French (language code: "fr") the notation for the knight (which is "N" in english) is "C":
ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame();
chessGame.playMoves(NotationType.SAN, "Nc3 e5");
System.out.println(chessGame.getNotationList(NotationType.LAN, "fr"));
// output:
// [Cb1-c3, e7-e5]
Determining the opening name of a game:
ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame();
chessGame.playMoves(NotationType.SAN, "e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6");
ChessOpening chessOpening = chessGame.getChessOpening();
System.out.println(; // output: B90
System.out.println(; // output: Sicilian
System.out.println(chessOpening.variation); // output: Najdorf
System.out.println(chessOpening.getFullName()); // output: Sicilian / Najdorf (B90)
To export games in Portable Game Notation (PGN):
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.pgn.PGNExporter;
ChessGame chessGame = new ChessGame();
chessGame.playMoves(NotationType.SAN,"e4 c5 Nf3");
chessGame.setPgnTag(PgnTag.EVENT,"Test Event");
PGNExporter pgnExporter = new PGNExporter(new PrintWriter(System.out));
// output:
// [Event "Test Event"]
// [Result "1/2-1/2"]
// 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 1/2-1/2
pgnExporter.write(chessGame2); // etc.
To import games in PGN:
import io.github.wolfraam.chessgame.pgn.PGNImporter;
PGNImporter pgnImporter = new PGNImporter();
System.out.println("Imported a game with moves:"+game.getMoves());
pgnImporter.setOnWarning(System.out::println); File("/temp/games.pgn"));