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Shihan edited this page Oct 29, 2020 · 2 revisions


Home Page

Login (maybe modal popup)

* Register -> POST /api/user Send username, password 
* Login -> PUT /api/user Send Username, Password

Random Recipes -> GET /api/recipe

* Clicking on Recipe goes to Recipe page

After Login Home Page

  • Get user's receipes -> GET /api/recipe/:user
  • Clicking on Recipe goes to Recipe page

Post Button (new page)

  • Form to enter receipes
  • Add to database -> POST /api/recipe/:user Send recipe
  • Go back to Home Page

Search Button (same page as user's homepage)

* Get receipes from the api -> Food API
* List receipes with Save option 
* Click Save to add receipe to database -> POST /api/recipe/:user Send recipe


  • POST /api/user -> addUser(username, password)
  • PUT /api/user -> getUser(username) then compare
  • GET /api/recipe -> getAllRecipes()
  • GET /api/receipe/:user -> getUserRecipes(userId)
  • POST /api/recipe/:user -> addRecipe(userId, receipe)


  • addUser(username, passord) -> SQL
  • getUser(username) -> SQL SELECT
  • getAllRecipes() -> SQL (LIMIT 10)
  • getUserRecipes(userId) -> SQL
  • addRecipe(userId, receipe) -> SQL


  • login table: id, username, password
  • receipe table: receipeId, title, description, userId