This is a fork of the old with everything but SVG rendering removed and rebuilt under .NET Core 3.1
My "itch" is I just needed a QR code dumped out on a page as an SVG. I used in combination with PureOtp and Base32 library.
Here's how I use it in my ASP.NET Core app:
Create a shared secret
this.SharedSecret = Base32Encoder.Encode(KeyGeneration.GenerateRandomKey(10));
Mangle it into a URL
this.QRCodeUrl = $"otpauth://totp/Contoso?secret={this.SharedSecret}";
Spit out a tag helper on your Razor page
<svt-qr-code content="@Model.QRCodeUrl"></svt-qr-code>
Write the tag helper
[HtmlTargetElement("svt-qr-code")] public class QRCodeTagHelper : TagHelper { public string? Content { get; set; } public override async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output) { await base.ProcessAsync(context, output); var encoder = new QrEncoder(ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); var encoded = encoder.Encode(this.Content); var renderer = new SVGRenderer( new FixedCodeSize(200, QuietZoneModules.Two), new FormColor(Color.Black), new FormColor(Color.White)); var svg = renderer.WriteToString(encoded.Matrix, true); output.Content.SetHtmlContent(svg); } }
Perhaps I am a fool. It works for me.