Using XCSoar on a Kobo this patch might be useful to be able to share tasks whilst on the hill. There is no NFC or camera to use QR code so have this working as a peer to peer sync after connecting to a nearby WiFi. All tasks starting with a capital letter are then shared with the other Kobo users. (use lower case to keep it local to the device).
Peer to peer file sharing uses normal WiFi and an application called Syncthing.
To provide this patch, one new executable is added, 'Syncthing', an script to start it on boot, and configuration files to identify the initial peer devices and folders to share.
To get this going the initial peer devices are my (Nigel Bray) Phone, Tablet, PC and Server! Whilst this is intended only for Kobo's; using my devices will enable new joiners to be accepted with as short a delay as possible. Anyone who is accepted will then be able to accept others to the group. [Exactly how to do this is additional information to what is described below.]
Initial XCSoar folders to share are: XCSoarData/tasks and XCSoarData/syncMapsWaypointsAirspace. [My understanding is XCSoar only recognises tasks under the tasks folder; any other folder may store Maps Waypoints Airspace].
It was chosen to begin by syncing the config.xml configuration between all users with the aim of making this deployment as simple to use as possible.
One generic .stglobalignore file is used in the three synced folders to define which files are synced and which are kept local. This is set so that files with an initial capital, .cup extension, and config.xml are shared and others remain local to the device.
Note that while there is some protection against access to shared Kobo's from outside the group, the group sharing files are inside this security and trusted. The intention is to identify and trust people who can be found on a Telegram or Facebook XCSoar user group and those contact details be referred to.
kobo> syncthing -generate /.config/syncthing-kobo
kobo> vi /.config/syncthing-kobo/config.xml
<gui enabled="true" tls="false"> <address></address>
[] /bin/syncthing -home=-home=/.config/syncthing-kobo
- /bin
- /mnt/onboard/.kobo
- /.config/syncthing-kobo
- /mnt/onboard/XCSoarData/kobo/
- /mnt/onboard/XCSoarData/tasks
mkdir -p KoboRoot; tar -cvzf KoboRoot.tgz -C KoboRoot/ .
- Switch Kobo WiFi on, look for the Connected IP number
- Enable Telnet
- Telnet 123.456.654.321 to the connected IP number
rm -rf /mnt/onboard/.kobo/KoboRoot.tgz; wget -P /mnt/onboard/.kobo; tar tf /mnt/onboard/.kobo/KoboRoot.tgz; sha1sum /mnt/onboard/.kobo/KoboRoot.tgz; reboot
- ac3f5248245b8498659f765196727a561f2ac331 KoboRoot.tgz Config.xml +Phone+Tablet//Marked Introducers
- 386592ff118c491a7e8d3af0b09a69f9ec05a086 Website/KoboRoot.tgz Clean version
- 49fb465d73634eafce80c959bbf2079779bbf55c Website/KoboRoot.tgz, new version of syncthing, config.xml devices
- 4d47567e90174e01204282c5b737356715979d5e Website/KoboRoot.tgz remove unused devices from config
- ff4b06ac39473fe19c07b6f23f95cf480f29e034 Website/KoboRoot.tgz Make with latest config.xml, More consistent device names
- tbc Added Summary
- Todo: Facilitate any peer to be notified (telegram bot?) and accept new joiners. (For now, those wishing to, may do so via the Syncthing app on a phone, PC or server).
- adduser FlexiBOS --system --group --disabled-password --home /var/syncthing/FlexiBOS
Adding system user
FlexiBOS' (UID 111) ... Adding new group
FlexiBOS' (GID 116) ... Adding new userFlexiBOS' (UID 111) with group
FlexiBOS' ... Creating home directory `/var/syncthing/FlexiBOS' .. - create /etc/systemd/system/syncthing-resume.service /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
- sudo systemctl enable [email protected]
- sudo systemctl start [email protected]
- sudo systemctl status [email protected]
As pointed out by Paul Whatley, "The issue is if an individual has an almost full disk anyway and then several people store tasks in a short time. Maybe limit the size of the stuff on the folder."
Whilst it is OK for anyone to 'tidy up' anytime settings to limit sizes or free space are available. After a little research its default limit was 1% of space to be kept free for the files to sync (now set to 10%).
So on my Kobo (probably the smallest of any) there is always 130MB free for my own files (over 5 different map databases @21MB each).
Kobo mini (Nigel) Total 1346MB Kobo mini (Nigel) Used 203MB Kobo mini (Nigel) Used 15% = Used/Total Kobo mini (Nigel) Free 1143MB = Total - Used Kobo mini (Nigel) Free 85% = (Total - Used)/Total Minimum Free Disk Space 10% == Default setting 1% Minimum Free Disk Space 130MB = 10% * Total onboard/XCSoarData/tasks 0MB onboard/XCSoarData/sync 21MB == UK_HighRes.xcm
cat >>~/.cargo/config <<EOF
linker = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
Sensors required for the instrument can be derrived from:
- Location service
- Phone positioning API from GNSS: GPS, Glonass, Galileo.
- Kobo connected to local device or BlueNMEA "If your Android handset is connected to a WiFi network, any host on the network can connect to its IP address on TCP port 4352."
- Airspeed compensated Vario
- either via an aerodynamic compensated chamber for the barometric pressure sensor,
- or the barometric pressure sensor algorithmically compensated by a separate pitot tube speed airspeed sensor
- Airspeed from a pitot tube speed airspeed sensor
- Barometer from a barometric pressure sensor