NATO Stock Number data format and structure for NSN Search
The NATO Stock Number (NSN) is structured with a composition of the following segments:
which is also:
A two character code depicting the group of items this supply item belongs to. The (NATO Supply Group) is determined by the item's physical characteristics as identitied in the Item Identification Guide (IIG).
A four character code depicting the class of items this supply item belongs to where the first two characters are the NSG (NATO Supply Group). The Supply Class is determined by the item's supply group and physical characteristics as identitied in the Item Identification Guide (IIG).
Each NIIN is created and managed by a codification bureau. Each NATO Member Country has a codification bureau termed its National Codification Bureau (NCB). Each National Codification Bureau (NCB) has a unique two character code which form the first two characters of a supply item's NIIN.
A NIIN (National Item Identification Number) is unique to a particular supply item. It is composed of the two-character NIIN followed by a unique seven-character code. While an NSN represents a single supply item, a supply item's group and class can change over time causing the NSN to change. The NIIN of a supply item always remains constant.
The most accurate commercial source of NATO Stock Number (NSN) data is located at (NSN Lookup)