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🚀 Hi, I'm nthnn!

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GitHub Stats Most Used Languages
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🧬 Skills

I possess a versatile skill set in mobile app development, web development, and software engineering. Here are the icon grid of languages, frameworks, technologies, and IDEs I use.

My Projects

  • n8 - Just-In-Time-compiled dynamic general-purpose programming language utilizing OpenMP parallelism with built-in & language-level concurrency and unconventional syntax expressiveness.
  • quoneq - Lightweight, multi-protocol networking library for C++ that provides a simple, unified API for a variety of network protocols based on libcurl developed specially for n8 programming language.
  • chisei - A lightweight, efficient, and user-friendly C++ library for creating, training, and deploying fully connected neural networks; designed with simplicity and performance in mind.
  • unsafe_ops - Low-level utility library designed to provide direct access to hardware and memory operations for embedded systems, operating systems, and performance-critical applications where low-level control and performance optimization are crucial.
  • oniontalk - A secure, end-to-end encrypted chat application designed for deployment on the TOR Network as an onion service with room-based conversations with encrypted messaging, user presence tracking, and typing indicators.
  • Ambassador - Java lightweight, high-performance web framework designed for building scalable and efficient web applications with robust support for database management, middleware integration, routing, and asynchronous execution.
  • QLBase - Decentralizable, scalable, and reliable backend solution alternative to traditional NoSQL, SaaS, and cloud-based services.
  • MyShell - A modern C++ library that provides a robust, cross-platform interface for shell process interaction that allows seamless execution and interaction with shell commands across Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems.
  • QuickDigest5 - A lightweight C++ library for computing MD5 hashes of strings and files. Designed for simplicity and efficiency, it provides static utility methods to generate MD5 hashes and convert them to hexadecimal string representations.
  • sConf - sConf is a lightweight and flexible C++ library for parsing, managing, and manipulating structured configuration files.
  • dna_sequence_identification - DNA sequence classification AI is based on the dataset from the archive of UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository using Random Forest Classification algorithm.
  • brainfuck-assembly - Brainfuck Assembly is a human-readable assembly language to simplify the process of writing Brainfuck programs.
  • offion - Debian-based personal browser built with Electron framework, integrating Tor for enhanced privacy and anonymous browsing.
  • goblin3d - Graphics engine for rendering 3D wireframe on monochromatic displays and TFT LCDs without any dependency required for Arduino platform.
  • C3E - C3E (Complex Compute Core Engine) is a framework, platform, library, and an engine for handling complex computational tasks involving matrices, vectors, and tensors.
  • Feihua - Feihua is an anti-virus/anti-malware program that verifies file hashes against the database for Windows systems.
  • mdif - Minimal Data Image Format (MDIF) is a lightweight image format with minimal data structure and integration with Diwa in mind that balances both simplicity and functionality.
  • tasuke - Customizable personal computer assistant that utilizes AI voice command recognition to help automate tasks and provide a more interactive computing experience.
  • uartix-vsce - Uartix Syntax Highlighting for Visual Studio Code extension that provides syntax highlighting for the Uartix programming language.
  • Uartix - Strange dynamic programming and scripting language that performs mathematical computations on a connected Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) through UART connectivity.
  • DynaConfig - Arduino WiFi dynamic configuration library for ESP32 using captive portal authentication.
  • rust-rp2040 - A starting point for developing embedded Rust applications on Raspberry Pi Pico, featuring Cargo configurations, UF2 memory mapping, and basic LED blinking example.
  • NateOS - NateOS: My own lightweight Linux-based OS distribution, created for enjoyment and personal experimentation.
  • NoOS - NoOS (No Operating System) is an attempt unikernel framework for developing programs in C++ without OS.
  • n2cmu - Feedforward Neural Network Coprocessing Microcontroller Unit (CPC via UART) for STM32F103C8T6 Bluepill Development Board written purely in TinyGo.
  • n2cmu-arduino - This is the official Arduino library for N2CMU (Neural Network Coprocessing Microcontroller Unit) available on Arduino Package Manager and PlatformIO.
  • diwa - Lightweight simple implementation of Artificial Neural Network for Arduino ESP32, ESP8266, RP2040, PlayStation Portable SDK, WebAssembly, and even Windows, macOS, and Linux-based OSes.
  • tomo - An AI-like handheld interactable full of emotion companion pet made with ESP32 NodeMCU via Arduino Platform.
  • rishka - RISC-V core virtual runtime written in C/C++ (Arduino platform) intended for ESP32-WROVER with PSRAM.
  • minbox - Minbox is a simple, minimalistic command-line tool written in Rust, inspired by BusyBox. Made to learn Rust programming language.
  • ladivic - C++ library designed to provide system-level thread- and fail-safe functions with concurrency, atomic, file I/O, IPC, memory management, and system information retrieval functionalities.
  • medium - My GitHub repository collection of Medium blogs, articles, and related content blogs, articles, and such.
  • rheolaeth - Rheolaeth is a remote tool for controlling shell via HTTP connection using another device in network.
  • Qrepo - Simple and easy-to-use all-for-one build tool for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Zync-OS - Mock-up bootloader and kernel-only operating system with a very basic boring shell written in pure Assembly.
  • wtfC - Playful language extension for C and C++ that introduces unconventional and humorous macros aims to add a touch of creativity.
  • microlzw - Embeddable micro Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression library for strings.
  • astroclock - Cute desktop date and time display with Arduino Nano and monochromatic SH1106.
  • AnkoWeb - Versatile scripting language and middleware designed for web development, running on the Anko virtual machine.
  • Jessy-OS - Embedded Operating System for ESP32 microcontroller unit that runs JavaScript via Duktape.
  • SIM900 - A much more comprehensive library for Arduino SIM900 shield.
  • Planet096 - SSD1306-based Monochromatic GUI library for OLED 0.96" inch (128x64 pixels) display in Arduino.
  • yttria-lang - Yttria programming language using LLVM bindings in pure TypeScript.
  • Brillo-8 - A programmable pocket computer with an embedded virtual machine.
  • Hopia - Hopia is a powerful and versatile wannabe penetration testing tool designed for ethical and legitimate security testing purposes.
  • PortaMob - Portable Mobile device-like shield for UNO-like boards; an ingenious extension for the Arduino UNO platform.
  • TCS3200 - Comprehensive Arduino library for TCS3200 color sensor.
  • Monitoria - Advance attendance monitoring system with ESP8266 NodeMCU, RFID-RC522, SIM800L, LCD I2C, and a custom web application.
  • VoxHAUT-Roamer - Interactive companion pet robot on ESP8266 (Arduino) with Android phone app for communication.
  • MaskUp - Simple program that can identify if an individual is wearing a face mask.
  • Navigador - Arduino library for dual DC motor navigation.
  • Anomalia - Arduino library for data processing anomalies.
  • PH4502C-Sensor - Comprehensive and easy-to-use Arduino library for PH4502C pH level and temperature sensor.
  • VizhPort - A Python program to monitor the serial port with PyQTGraph's visualization.
  • Recognito - Mini-silly image classifier UI with tensorflow and PyQT5.
  • Arduquarium - Automated aquarium recycling with Arduino UNO.
  • Batch2Exe - Easy-to-use Windows Batch File to executable file converter/wrapper with Swing GUI.
  • Fakfak-Bird-OLED - A fun Flappy Bird-like game in Arduino Nano
  • Mussicini - Arduino Ultra-lightweight Music Synthesis Library
  • - J9N8's Official Website
  • UrPh News - Minimalistic news outlet Android app.
  • nougat-lang - An obsolete dynamic scripting yet general-purpose programming language for absolutely nothing written in C#.
  • Lanzaplicacion - Android launcher with a super minimalist and primitive-looking UI.
  • OTG-Nilboard - Android smartphone app to suppress the default keyboard.


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