Is your wallet being hacked right now? Read this guide.
Got tips to prevent damage from wallet hacking incidents? Submit a pull request or add a comment.
- They have access to EVERYTHING, you need to move all assets to a safe wallet.
- Act fast, but remain cautious.
- Create a new wallet (preferably on a new device in case you have a virus) and transfer all assets ASAP.
- Token and NFT transfers require ETH, so you may want to leave a small amount in while you race to remove Tokens and NFTs out to a safe wallet. Warning: This ETH may get stolen and they may use it to transfer assets too.
- You might consider removing the ETH instead so that they can't make any transactions but it is possible they add their own ETH to do this if your assets are valuable enough.
- You have likely approved token transactions by a third party. Revoke any approvals ASAP. One popular service for doing this is Alternatively, you can try the Etherscan Token Approval checker which is currently in beta:
- You can disconnect your MetaMask from the site but it likely won't prevent any authorisations you have already given.
Prevention is always better than the cure. Once the dust has settled you may want to review the security guides below to protect yourself in future.
This is general advice which might help people in a challenging situation. Always do your own research. By taking any of the actions within this guide, you accept all responsibility for your own actions and do not hold any of the contributors to thie guide liable.