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Connection class

Tom Harris edited this page Jun 9, 2018 · 4 revisions

The Connection class is an asyncio.transport class. Specifically it is either a serial.aio class if the Insteon Modem is a PLM or a aiohttp.trasport class if the Inteon Modem is a Hub. It has the following properties:

  • device: The posix path to the PLM USB or serial port.
  • host: The host name or IP address of the Hub
  • password: The local connection password of the Hub
  • port: The IP port number of the Hub
  • protocol: An asyncio Protocolclass. This is also the Insteon Modem (i.e. PLM or Hub)
  • username: The local connection username of the Hub
  • transport: An asyncio Transport. This is either a serial.aio serial transport or a custom insteonplm.HttpTransport.

The `Connection class supports the following methods:


create is a factory method and returns a Connection class. It accepts the following parameters:

  • auto_reconnect: Boolean value to tell the Connection class to reconnect if the connection is lost
  • device: path to the USB or serial port where the PLM device is attached. The default is '/dev/ttyUSB0'
  • host: Host name or IP address of a Hub. If this parameter is set, the module assumes the Insteon Modem is a hub even if the device parameter is set above.
  • loop: asyncio loop.
  • password: Password of the local Hub connection.
  • port: IP port number for the Hub connection. Default is 25105.
  • username: Username of the local Hub connection.
  • workdir: Working director to store the device information found during startup. If this value is set a file will be saved in this directory called insteon_plm_device_info.dat. This file will be read on subsequent startups to improve startup time.
  • poll_devices: Boolean value to tell the Insteon Modem to poll the device status.


The close method closes the protocol transport. In other words it closes the serial connection to the PLM or the HTTP session to the Hub.


The halt method closes the protocol transport and prevents reconnecting until a resume call is made.


The resume method allows the protocol.transport to reconnect after a halt command is sent.

Startup Process

IM Class

  • PLM Class

  • Hub Class

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