Releases: nulib/meadow
Releases · nulib/meadow
updates include:
- Address database connection errors and timeout issues
- Add limit options to local authorities table
Updates include:
- Make Meadow's database and indexing more robust using write ahead logs instead of database triggers.
- Indexing times improved (from 2 minutes to 5 seconds)
- Fix local authorities field retention bug
- Make preservation tab columns sortable
Updates include:
- Fix bug in pyramid TIFF creation
- Fix bug in preservation report where pdf Auxiliary files were failing with a missing pyramid
- Add retries to HTTP timeouts in Meadow.Search.HTTP and Meadow.Utils.AWS
Updates include:
• Switch to an auto-scaling Aurora Serverless database for better performance
• Fix issue with EDTF Dates with level 2 qualified groups
Updates include:
- Automatically scale Meadow up to 2 tasks at 7:15AM and down to 1 at 6:00PM (US/Central time zone)
- Replace EDTF Javascript shim with external EDTF hex package
- Update Authoritex version to fix problem where Getty controlled uris were matching on colon at start of string
Updates include:
- Rename 3rd tab on Work page from "Structure" to "Access files"
- Make "Status" a facet on search page
- Fix broken link on the Administrative tab from a work's status to the search page
- Require confirmation to delete WebVTT from Audio and Video file sets
- Adds iiif_collection field to collection index, which links to the Collection's as=iiif response in DCAPI
Updates include:
- Log and skip failed encodes when indexing
updates include:
- Fix race condition that might cause S3 File Picker to hang in some circumstances