Provide generic base class for deploying application (based on salt or ansible) with fabric.
git clone [email protected]:numericube/numericube.deploy.git
pip install -r ./numericube.deploy/requirements.txt
pip install ./numericube.deploy
git pull
pip install ./numericube.deploy
Numericube.deploy provides some usefull fabric method for deploying git project based on remote host
fab -H <host> deploy
Check if your project is deployable (ie, no pdb, everything is pushed on git)
Create a new tag base on your branch. New tag looks like vYYYYMMDD[a-z]_<name_of_your_branch>
fab -H <host> release
Get the remote tag deployed on remote host
If no tag -> bootstrap your remote machine (see config for default pkg to be installed)
Else give you a review about previous versions installed on remote host
Call your provisionner on remote host (salt or ansible) and deploy your app
If everthing is ok, update git issue according to your git log.
fab -H <host> update_issues:git_previous_tag=<previous_tag>,git_release_tag=<release_tag>
- Update git issue on tagging them by <host> to say that issue is deployed on <host>
fab latest_release
- Return the latest release in your branch
fab -H <host> test
- Test if remote machine is ready for deploy
fab get_git_token
- tool for generate a git token that used for updating your git issues.
Create deploy key in your git repository
We use this for deploying your application in remote host
Generate a config file with generate_config utility
$ cd \<project_directory\>
$ generate_config
And answers to questions
Yes ! It is design for this
Add simply a new method in your class (example a custom bootstrap method for your project)
You can override method if you want.