Duke is a Command Line Interface (CLI) app which allows you to store 3 types of task; todo, deadline, event.
Designed for fast typer which allows you to store, find, and mark personal tasks effortlessly.
2.1 Adding To-do Task [todo]
2.2 Adding Event Task [event]
2.3 Adding Task with a Deadline [deadline]
2.4 Listing out all your tasks [list]
2.5 Deleting a Task from list [delete]
2.6 Completing a task [done]
2.7 Finding tasks [find]
2.8 Terminate the program [bye]
- JDK 11 or above
- Download the latest release here.
- Permission rights to create a file and folder in machine
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar duke.jar
Version: DUKE 0.2
Hello! I'm Duke.
What can I do for you?
Enter command:
3. You should see a new folder named "data-folder" and inside folder will contain a "tasks.txt" which have been created by Duke app. Your data will be store in the file.
Refer to the Features section for the different command features of the Duke app.
Adding a To-Do type of task to the list with its description.
Format: todo <description>
todo submission CS2113 project
todo 3 math assignments
Adding a Event type of task to the list with its description, together with the event date and time.
Date and time entered must follow the following format accordingly.
Format: event <description> /at <dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm>
event Tom's Wedding Dinner /at 04/10/2020 19:30
event Math Project dicussion /at 01/10/2020 10:00
Adding a Deadline type of task to the list with its description and its due date. Date format must follow the following format accordingly.
Format: deadline <description> /by <dd/MM/YYYY>
deadline online submission /by 11/11/2020
deadline Capstone Project presentation /by 04/03/2022
List out all tasks which added in the list or stored earlier in the data file. The numbering is the index of each task.
[T] represents To-do task type [E] represents Event task type [D] represents Deadline task type [✘] represents the status of the task is uncompleted [✓] represents the status of the task is completed
Tasks are indexed according to the order in which the tasks were added to the list.
Format: list
Removing an existing task from the list with the given index in numerical value.
Format: delete <index>
delete 3
delete 1
Changing the status to done with the selected task index in numerical value.
Format: done <index>
done 2
done 1
Finding all tasks which contain the keyword required.
Format: find <keyword>
find submission
find math projects
Terminating and exits the app.
Format: bye
Command | Format | Example |
todo | todo <description> |
todo submit assignment |
event | event <description> /at <dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm> |
event Tom's Wedding /at 04/10/2020 19:30 |
deadline | deadline <description> /by <dd/MM/YYYY> |
deadline Final submission /by 03/10/2022 |
delete | delete <index> |
delete 1 |
done | done <index> |
done 3 |
find | find <keyword> |
find submission |
bye | bye |
bye |