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Nutiteq edited this page Aug 8, 2014 · 9 revisions

CartoDB provides nice geodata server as a service, with data storage, rich API, a lot of nice web-based client solutions and content management. You can keep your data in CartoDB and use Nutiteq SDK as Android native client solution. CartoDB provides several APIs, and we support following:

  • SQL API enables to use SQL (with PostGIS extension) to request vector data. As with every vector data you need to define styles. We define here styles for all possible geometry types, so the layer works for Points, Polygons and Lines. As you see the vector data is interactive - you can click on objects and will see Labels.
        //  1. Define styles for all possible geometry types
        int color = Color.BLUE;
        int minZoom = 5;

        final Bitmap pointMarker = UnscaledBitmapLoader.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.point);
        final StyleSet<PointStyle> pointStyleSet = new StyleSet<PointStyle>();
        PointStyle pointStyle = PointStyle.builder().setBitmap(pointMarker).setSize(0.05f).setColor(color).setPickingSize(0.2f).build();
        pointStyleSet.setZoomStyle(minZoom, pointStyle);

        final StyleSet<LineStyle> lineStyleSet = new StyleSet<LineStyle>();
        LineStyle lineStyle = LineStyle.builder().setWidth(0.04f).setColor(Color.WHITE).build();
        lineStyleSet.setZoomStyle(minZoom, lineStyle);

        final StyleSet<PolygonStyle> polygonStyleSet = new StyleSet<PolygonStyle>(null);
        PolygonStyle polygonStyle = PolygonStyle.builder().setColor(0xFFFF6600 & 0x80FFFFFF).setLineStyle(lineStyle).build();
        polygonStyleSet.setZoomStyle(minZoom, polygonStyle);

        // 2. define CartoDB connection parameters, table and SQL query
        String account = "nutiteq";
        String table = "tm_world_borders"; // kihelkonnad_1897, maakond_20120701
        String columns = "cartodb_id,name,iso2,pop2005,area,the_geom_webmercator"; // NB! always include cartodb_id and the_geom_webmercator
        int limit = 5000; // max number of objects
        String sql = "SELECT "+columns+" FROM "+table+" WHERE the_geom_webmercator && ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(!bbox!)'::box3d, 3857) LIMIT "+limit;

        // 3. Define DataSource
        CartoDbDataSource cartoDataSource = new CartoDbDataSource(mapView.getLayers().getBaseLayer().getProjection(), account, sql) {

            protected Label createLabel(Map<String, String> userData) {
                StringBuffer labelTxt = new StringBuffer();
                for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : userData.entrySet()){
                    labelTxt.append(entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue() + "\n");
                return new DefaultLabel("Data:", labelTxt.toString());

            protected StyleSet<PointStyle> createPointStyleSet(Map<String, String> userData, int zoom) {
                return pointStyleSet;

            protected StyleSet<LineStyle> createLineStyleSet(Map<String, String> userData, int zoom) {
                return lineStyleSet;

            protected StyleSet<PolygonStyle> createPolygonStyleSet(Map<String, String> userData, int zoom) {
                return polygonStyleSet;


        // 4. Define and add layer
        GeometryLayer cartoLayerTrunk = new GeometryLayer(cartoDataSource);

CartoDB Vector data

  • Map Tiles - Currently you can use standard RasterLayer() for this. CartoDB tile URL format is http://{account}{table_name}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png. Update: Since CartoDB 2.0 there is change on the way tiles are served, so before accessing a tile you need to do a POST with the tiles configuration (essentially the SQL and CartoCSS) and the server returns the url for the tiles. However, currently the simple tile request works also.

The Estonian historical regions as overlay layer in Nutiteq SDK would be:

        RasterDataSource dataSource = new HTTPRasterDataSource(new EPSG3857(), 1, 19, "{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png");
        RasterLayer mapLayer = new RasterLayer(dataSource, 3);

Screenshot with demo data

  • You can even have update of CartoDB layer - insert, modify and delete object geometries. See Editable MapView for details
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