Plan what your pipeline will look like.
Decide which options you will include in your Continuous Integration phase. Use either Circle CI or Jenkins.
Pick a deployment type - either rolling deployment or blue/green deployment.
For the Docker application you can either use an application which you come up with, or use an open-source application pulled from the Internet, or if you have no idea, you can use an Nginx “Hello World, my name is (student name)” application.
- Docker application: Flask app at
- Rolling Deployment type
- Continuous Integration using Circle CI
- Plan what the pipeline will look like
Pipeline steps:
- Install dependencies
- Lint the application with
- Build a docker image
- Push the docker image to AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
- Deploy Kubernetes using AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
Set up your CircleCI account and connect your git repository.
Set up your environment to which you will deploy code.
- Git repository connected to CircleCI
- Setup environment variables for CircleCI:
Use Ansible or CloudFormation to build your “infrastructure”; i.e., the Kubernetes Cluster.
It should create the EC2 instances (if you are building your own), set the correct networking settings, and deploy software to these instances.
As a final step, the Kubernetes cluster will need to be initialized. The Kubernetes cluster initialization can either be done by hand, or with Ansible/Cloudformation at the student’s discretion.
- Use AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) for provisioning a Kubernetes cluster.
Used eksctl
with the following command to deploy an EKS cluster:
eksctl create cluster \
--name longnv43-capstone \
--version 1.24 \
--nodegroup-name standard-workers \
--node-type t3.medium \
--nodes 1 \
--nodes-min 1 \
--nodes-max 2 \
--region ap-southeast-1 \
--zones ap-southeast-1a \
--zones ap-southeast-1b \
--zones ap-southeast-1c
Construct your pipeline in your GitHub repository.
Set up all the steps that your pipeline will include.
Configure a deployment pipeline.
Include your Dockerfile/source code in the Git repository.
Include with your Linting step both a failed Linting screenshot and a successful Linting screenshot to show the Linter working properly.
- Pipeline in GitHub repository
- Set up all the steps that your pipeline will include.
- Deployment pipeline at CircleCI Config
- Include your Dockerfile/source code in the Git repository.
- Include with your Linting step both a failed Linting screenshot and a successful Linting screenshot to show the Linter working properly.
Perform builds on your pipeline.
Verify that your pipeline works as you designed it.
Take a screenshot of the Circle CI or Jenkins pipeline showing deployment, and a screenshot of your AWS EC2 page showing the newly created (for blue/green) or modified (for rolling) instances. Make sure you name your instances differently between blue and green deployments.