Team A1: Survey Gorilla Group Project Jeff George, Arc Petretta, Jack Huang, Eunice Do
Description of your MVP: A user (creator) will be able to log in and create a survey, with a title, and as many questions and answer choices as they want. A user (taker) will be able to log in and take a survey. At the end of the survey, a thank you page will be displayed. A user (creator) will be able to see an analysis of their survey results. Stretch: Any user can see the surveys they created, or the surveys they took.
A link to your team Trello board:
A link to your wireframes: ![Survey Gorilla Wireframe] (wireframe.jpg)
A brief description of your team dynamic and git workflow: Pair programming in agile sprints on a new repo. One pair code reviews the other prior to merges.
![Survey Schema] (survey_schema.png)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- SQL XML created by WWW SQL Designer, -->
<!-- Active URL: -->
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</datatypes><table x="326" y="133" name="users">
<row name="id" null="1" autoincrement="1">
<row name="username" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<row name="password_hash" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<table x="493" y="133" name="surveys">
<row name="id" null="1" autoincrement="1">
<row name="title" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<row name="description" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<row name="user_id" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<default>NULL</default><relation table="users" row="id" />
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<table x="652" y="134" name="questions">
<row name="id" null="1" autoincrement="1">
<row name="text" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<row name="survey_id" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<default>NULL</default><relation table="surveys" row="id" />
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<table x="825" y="134" name="choices (options)">
<row name="id" null="1" autoincrement="1">
<row name="text" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<row name="question_id" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<default>NULL</default><relation table="questions" row="id" />
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<table x="350" y="293" name="survey_users (responses)">
<row name="id" null="1" autoincrement="1">
<row name="user_id" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<default>NULL</default><relation table="users" row="id" />
<row name="survey_id" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<default>NULL</default><relation table="surveys" row="id" />
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">
<table x="664" y="331" name="choice_responses (selections)">
<row name="id" null="1" autoincrement="1">
<row name="response_id" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<default>NULL</default><relation table="survey_users (responses)" row="id" />
<row name="choice_id" null="1" autoincrement="0">
<default>NULL</default><relation table="choices (options)" row="id" />
<key type="PRIMARY" name="">