Attempt at exposing a CloudSQL service through a PSC endpoint on another project. PSC is currently limited by the type of backend services an internal TCP/UDP loadbalancer can target, this unfortunately includes everything except:
- Instance groups
Therefore, this excludes Cloud Run, CloudSQL, Memory Store, etc services ... This PoC simply demonstrates the use of an autoscaling GCP managed instance group acting as a proxy layer for a CloudSQL target, and the ability to reach it from another project.
Upon adjusting the
to match the target projects, the PoC is as follows:
- Retrieve the PSC attached endpoint private IP within the consumer project/network.
- Retrieve the sensitive password from the Terraform console
terraform console
; then within the consolenonsensitive(google_sql_user.users.password)
- Validate the CloudSQL connection through the PSC PoC
gcloud compute ssh --zone "europe-west1-b" "consumer" --tunnel-through-iap --project "$CONSUMER_PROJECT_ID"" --command 'sudo apt update && sudo apt install postgresql-client -y && psql -h $PSC_ENDPOINT_IP --username poc -d postgres'