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Coding showcases, and solutions written in C/C++ for miscellaneous programming problems.


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Solutions to miscellaneous coding problems in C/C++

This is a repository of modern coding showcases, and solutions to various programming problems, written in C90, and C++17, C++20, and C++23.

Technical showcases

The following is a partial list of standards, practices, software, and ideas leveraged by this project:

  • C (standard C90)
  • C++ (standard C++17, C++20, and C++23)
  • C++ STL
  • Strongly-typed approach, leveraging C++ templates and concepts
  • Const correctness where applicable--except for fields
  • Functional programming
  • Strict compilation
  • CMake
  • Clean Git history and configuration
  • Extensive testing using Catch2 and CTest
  • Development dependency management using vcpkg
  • Opinionated Clang Format configuration
  • Conventional Commits
  • GitHub Actions CI
  • Benchmarking using nanobench
  • Microsoft DevSkim
  • EditorConfig
  • Markdown
  • Diagraming with Mermaid


Problem Standard Source
Binary search C++20 include/forfun/search/binary_search.hpp
Bubble sort C++20 include/forfun/sorting/bubble_sort.cpp
Contains duplicate C++20 include/forfun/contains_duplicate.cpp
Depth-first search C++20 include/forfun/graph/depth_first_search.hpp
Factorial C++23 include/forfun/factorial.cpp
Fibonacci sequence C++20 include/forfun/fibonacci_sequence.cpp
First missing positive C++20 include/forfun/first_missing_positive.cpp
Fizz buzz C++17 src/forfun/fizzbuzz.cpp
Greatest common divisor C++17 include/forfun/gcd.cpp
Insertion sort C++20 include/forfun/sorting/insertion_sort.cpp
Least recently used (LRU) cache C++20 src/forfun/lru_cache.cpp
Move zeroes C++20 include/forfun/move_zeroes.cpp
Multiples of three or five C++17 include/forfun/project_euler/p0001_multiples_of_3_or_5.cpp
Nth Fibonacci number C++20 include/forfun/fibonacci.cpp
Number of ships in a rectangle C++20 src/forfun/sonar.cpp
Palindrome C++17 include/forfun/palindrome.cpp
Palindrome (in C) C90 src/forfun_c/palindrome.c
Palindromic number C++20 src/forfun/palindromic_number.cpp
Primality test C++20 include/forfun/primality.hpp
Product except self C++20 include/forfun/product_except_self.cpp
Quicksort C++20 include/forfun/sorting/quicksort.cpp
Set matrix zeroes C++17 src/forfun/set_matrix_zeroes.cpp
Sub array sums C++20 include/forfun/sub_array_sums.cpp
Tower of Hanoi C++20 include/forfun/tower_of_hanoi.hpp
Trie C++20 include/forfun/trie.cpp
Two sum C++20 include/forfun/two_sum.cpp
Two-pass Boyer-Moore majority C++20 include/forfun/majority_element.hpp


The provided attempted solutions are not guaranteed to be correct, safe, secure, optimal, or suitable for use in production. The code and coding style may, or may not, follow best practice guidelines.


Problem licenses

Problem copyrights are reserved to their respective owners.

Solution licenses

Solutions are released under an MIT-style license. Copyright © Omar Boukli-Hacene. All rights reserved.

SPDX license identifier: MIT.