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Obfuscated Binary Pseudocode Optimizer


obpo is a pseudo-code optimizer based on hex-rays microcode, uses techniques such as dataflow-tracking, program-slicing, concolic-execution to rebuild the flatterned control flow.

obpo 是一个基于 hex-rays microcode 的伪代码优化器,使用数据流跟踪,程序切片,混合执行等技术来重建被平坦化的控制流。


The obpo core is closed source, but provided obpo-plugin is FREE & OPEN SOURCE. obpo-plugin is a cloud plugin, the binary code of the target function will be sent to the obpo-server for processing, and the response result will be applied to the decompilation process. These all uploaded data and processes can be seen in the obpo-plugin's code.

obpo 核心代码不是开源的,但提供免费且开源的 obpo-plugin. obpo-plugin 是一个云插件,目标函数的二进制代码会被发送到 obpo-server 进行处理, 并将结果应用到反编译过程中。这些上传的数据和流程都可以在 obpo-plugin 的代码中看到。

声明:obpo 到目前为止没有过任何直接或间接的付费服务或捐赠渠道,服务器资源均由作者自费承担,服务如果出现宕机可以发起 issue,我会抽空维护。 (翻译:爱用不用别来阴阳怪气,你行你开源)


About how to process uploaded data, I published the source code for obpo-server. This is a simple backend server written in golang, used to receive request and input to ida and uses obpo-core to deobfuscation, finally returning data to obpo-plugin client.

关于如何处理上传的数据,我上传了 obpo-server 的源代码。这是一个用 golang 写的简易后端服务器, 用来接收请求后输入到 ida 并调用 obpo core 来反混淆,最后返回数据给 obpo-plugin 客户端。

But please remember that obpo-core is still closed source. You can't use obpo-server to run an self obpo service, but you can use it as a reference for how to use it to implement a cloud plugin for decompile optimize

但请记住 obpo-core 依然是闭源的。 你无法用 obpo-server 来运行一个自己的 obpo 服务,但你可以用来参考如何实现一个反编译优化的云插件。


  1. Obpo can't solve all obfuscate problems, but I hope it can be a powerful option.
  2. Due to the limited server performance, the timeout is limited to 600s. Server is self-financing, please don't abuse it (e.g. multithreading, malicious attacks).


  1. obpo 无法解决所有混淆问题,但我希望它能成为一个有力的可选项。(翻译:懒得手工去混淆的话就试试,别指望啥都能行)
  2. 由于服务器性能有限,超时限制为600s。服务器是自费的,请勿滥用(如多线程、恶意攻击)。

Supported Version

obpo-plugin currently requires the following versions of hex-rays decompiler:

obpo-plugin 需要使用以下版本的 hex-rays 反编译器才能正常工作:

Hex-Rays Version Arch ARM64, X86, X86_64 ARM, ARM64, X86, X86_64, PowerPC, PowerPC64, MIPS ARM, ARM64, X86, X86_64, PowerPC, PowerPC64, MIPS


Copy and obpoplugin into ida plugins path.

obpo_plugin.pyobpoplugin 复制到 ida 插件路径中。


Obpo requires you to manually mark a dispatch block for Control Flow Flattening before automated analysis. Normally, the dispatch block looks like this:

Obpo 要求您在自动分析之前手动标记用于控制流扁平化的分发块。通常情况下,分发块看起来像这样:

Right-click on the control flow graph, click OBPO -> Mark and process function. Refresh the decompiler after processing is complete, like this:

右键单击控制流图,单击“OBPO -> Mark and process function”。之后刷新反编译器处理完成,如下:

Depending on the decompilation changes you can continue to mark dispatch blocks.



In the samples, saved some pseudocode and compare image by automation testing.

samples 中,保存了一些通过自动化测试产生的伪代码以及比较图像。


All sample binaries are saved in obpo-project/samples. Welcome to submit other sample.

所有示例二进制文件都保存在 obpo-project/samples 中。欢迎提交其他样本。