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Observation Portal

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An API for Astronomical Observation Management

Within an observatory control system, the observation portal provides modules for:

  • Proposal management: Calls for proposals, proposal creation, and time allocation
  • Request management: Observation request validation, submission, and cancellation, as well as views providing ancillary information about them
  • Observation management: Store and provide the telescope schedule, update observations, and update observation requests on observation update
  • User identity management: Oauth2 authenticated user management that can be used in other applications


Optional prerequisites can be skipped for reduced functionality.

Environment Variables

Variable Description Default
General DEBUG Whether the application should run using Django's debug mode False
SECRET_KEY The secret key used for sessions random characters
ALLOWED_HOSTS Override for Django's ALLOWED_HOSTS setting *
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS Comma separated list of trusted origins allowed for CSRF None
MAX_FAILURES_PER_REQUEST Maximum number of times an Observation can fail per Request before the Request is marked as FAILURE_LIMIT_REACHED. 0 means there is no max. 0
MAX_IPP_VALUE The maximum value to be used for ipp scaling. Should be greater than 1 (1 would be no scaling) 2.0
MIN_IPP_VALUE The minimum value to be used for ipp scaling. Should be less than 1 but greater than 0 0.5
PROPOSAL_TIME_OVERUSE_ALLOWANCE The amount of leeway in a proposals timeallocation before rejecting that request for scheduling. For example, a value of 1.1 results in allows over-scheduling by up to 10% of the total time_allocation. It is useful to allow some over-scheduling since it is likely some in progress observations will use less time then allocated, due to conservative overheads, failing, or cancelling. 1.1
Database DB_NAME The name of the database observation_portal
DB_USER The database user postgres
DB_PASSWORD The database password Empty string
DB_HOST The database host
DB_PORT The database port 5432
Cache CACHE_BACKEND The remote Django cache backend django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache
CACHE_LOCATION The cache location or connection string unique-snowflake
LOCAL_CACHE_BACKEND The local Django cache backend to use django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache
Static and Media Files AWS_BUCKET_NAME The name of the AWS bucket in which to store static and media files observation-portal-test-bucket
AWS_REGION The AWS region us-west-2
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The AWS user access key with read/write priveleges on the s3 bucket None
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The AWS user secret key to use with the access key None
MEDIA_STORAGE The Django media files storage backend
MEDIAFILES_DIR The directory in which to store media files media
STATIC_STORAGE The Django static files storage backend
Email EMAIL_BACKEND The Django SMTP backend to use django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend
EMAIL_HOST The SMTP host localhost
EMAIL_HOST_USER The SMTP user Empty string
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD The SMTP password Empty string
EMAIL_PORT The SMTP port 587
ORGANIZATION_EMAIL The reply-to email for outgoing messages Empty string
ORGANIZATION_DDT_EMAIL Email to receive ddt science application submission messages Empty string
ORGANIZATION_ADMIN_EMAIL The Django Admin email to receive http 500 reports. Empty string
ORGANIZATION_SUPPORT_EMAIL Email to receive account removal requests Empty string
ORGANIZATION_NAME The name of your organization, used within email templates Empty string
OBSERVATION_PORTAL_BASE_URL The base url of your deployed Observation Portal code, used within email templates to provide links to pages http://localhost
REQUESTGROUP_DATA_DOWNLOAD_URL The url where a user can download requestgroup data. Optionally include {requestgroup_id} in the string which will be filled in with the ID of the specific requestgroup. Empty string
REQUEST_DETAIL_URL The url to frontend detail page for a Request. Optionally include {request_id} in the string which will be filled in with the ID of the specific request. Empty string
SCIENCE_APPLICATION_DETAIL_URL The url to frontend science application detail page. Optionally include {sciapp_id} in the string which will be filled in with the ID of the specific science application. Empty string
External Services CONFIGDB_URL The url to the configuration database http://localhost
DOWNTIMEDB_URL The url to the downtime database http://localhost
OPENSEARCH_URL The url to the OpenSearch cluster http://localhost
Authentication OAUTH_SERVER_KEY The secret key for client applications to verify against for authentication calls Empty string
OAUTH_CLIENT_APPS_BASE_URLS Comma delimited set of base urls for client applications. This server will update those clients on any change in user accounts or api tokens. Empty string
Task Scheduling DRAMATIQ_BROKER_URL The url to the dramatiq broker (if set takes precedence over DRAMATIQ_BROKER_HOST & DRAMATIQ_BROKER_PORT redis://redis:6379/0
DRAMATIQ_BROKER_HOST The broker host for dramatiq (deprecated) redis
DRAMATIQ_BROKER_PORT The broker port for dramatiq (deprecated) 6379
Throttle Overrides REQUESTGROUPS_CANCEL_DEFAULT_THROTTLE Default django rest framework throttle rate string for the RequestGroups cancel endpoint 2000/day
REQUESTGROUPS_CREATE_DEFAULT_THROTTLE Default django rest framework throttle rate string for the RequestGroups create endpoint 5000/day
REQUESTGROUPS_VALIDATE_DEFAULT_THROTTLE Default django rest framework throttle rate string for the RequestGroups validate endpoint 20000/day
Realtime Overrides REAL_TIME_AVAILABILITY_DAYS_OUT For the /api/realtime/availability/ endpoint - controls how many minutes after the current time a realtime session should be available as a lower bound 60
REAL_TIME_AVAILABILITY_MINUTES_IN For the /api/realtime/availability/ endpoint - controls how many days after the current time a realtime session should be available as an upper bound 7
Serializer Overrides OBSERVATIONS_SUMMARY_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Observation's Summary serializer override observation_portal.observations.serializers.SummarySerializer
OBSERVATIONS_CONFIGURATIONSTATUS_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Observation's ConfigurationStatus serializer override observation_portal.observations.serializers.ConfigurationStatusSerializer
OBSERVATIONS_TARGET_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Observation's Target serializer override observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObservationTargetSerializer
OBSERVATIONS_CONFIGURATION_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Observation's Configuration serializer override observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObservationConfigurationSerializer
OBSERVATIONS_REQUEST_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Observation's Request serializer override observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObserveRequestSerializer
OBSERVATIONS_REQUESTGROUP_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Observation's RequestGroup serializer override observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObserveRequestGroupSerializer
OBSERVATIONS_SCHEDULE_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Observation's Schedule serializer override observation_portal.observations.serializers.ScheduleSerializer
OBSERVATIONS_OBSERVATION_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Observation's Observation serializer override observation_portal.observations.serializers.ObservationSerializer
OBSERVATIONS_CANCEL_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Observation's Cancel Observation serializer override observation_portal.observations.serializers.CancelObservationsSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_CADENCE_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Cadence serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.CadenceSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_CADENCEREQUEST_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Cadence Request serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.CadenceRequestSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_CONSTRAINTS_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Constraints serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.ConstraintsSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_REGIONOFINTEREST_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Instrument Config ROI serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.RegionOfInterestSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_INSTRUMENTCONFIG_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Instrument Config serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.InstrumentConfigSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_ACQUISITIONCONFIG_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Acquisition Config serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.AcquisitionConfigSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_GUIDINGCONFIG_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Guiding Config serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.GuidingConfigSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_TARGET_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Target serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.TargetSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_CONFIGURATION_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Configuration serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.ConfigurationSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_LOCATION_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Location serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.LocationSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_WINDOW_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Window serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.WindowSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_REQUEST_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Request serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.RequestSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_REQUESTGROUP_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's RequestGroup serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.RequestGroupSerializer
REQUESTGROUPS_DRAFTREQUESTGROUP_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Draft RequestGroup serializer override observation_portal.requestgroups.serializers.DraftRequestGroupSerializer
PROPOSALS_PROPOSAL_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Proposal's Proposal serializer override observation_portal.proposals.serializers.ProposalSerializer
PROPOSALS_PROPOSALINVITE_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Proposal's ProposalInvite serializer override observation_portal.proposals.serializers.ProposalInviteSerializer
PROPOSALS_SEMESTER_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Proposal's Semester serializer override observation_portal.proposals.serializers.SemesterSerialzer
PROPOSALS_MEMBERSHIP_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Proposal's Membership serializer override observation_portal.proposals.serializers.MembershipSerializer
PROPOSALS_PROPOSALNOTIFICATION_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Proposal's ProposalNotification serializer override observation_portal.proposals.serializers.ProposalNotificationSerializer
PROPOSALS_TIMELIMIT_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Proposal's Proposal serializer override observation_portal.proposals.serializers.TimeLimitSerializer
ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Accounts's Profile serializer override observation_portal.accounts.serializers.ProfileSerializer
ACCOUNTS_USER_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Accounts's User serializer override observation_portal.accounts.serializers.UserSerializer
ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTREMOVAL_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for Accounts's Account Removal serializer override observation_portal.accounts.serializers.AccountRemovalSerializer
SCIAPPLICATIONS_CALL_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for SciApplications's Call serializer override observation_portal.sciapplications.serializers.CallSerializer
SCIAPPLICATIONS_SCIENCEAPPLICATION_SERIALIZER Class dotpath for SciApplications's Science Application serializer override observation_portal.sciapplications.serializers.ScienceApplicationSerializer
as_dict Overrides OBSERVATIONS_SUMMARY_AS_DICT Class dotpath for Observation's Summary as_dict override observation_portal.observations.models.summary_as_dict
OBSERVATIONS_CONFIGURATIONSTATUS_AS_DICT Class dotpath for Observation's ConfigurationStatus as_dict override observation_portal.observations.models.configurationstatus_as_dict
OBSERVATIONS_OBSERVATION_AS_DICT Class dotpath for Observation's Observation as_dict override observation_portal.observations.models.observation_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_CONSTRAINTS_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Constraints as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.constraints_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_REGIONOFINTEREST_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Instrument Config ROI as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.regionofinterest_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_INSTRUMENTCONFIG_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Instrument Config as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.instrumentconfig_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_ACQUISITIONCONFIG_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Acquisition Config as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.acquisitionconfig_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_GUIDINGCONFIG_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Guiding Config as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.guidingconfig_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_TARGET_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Target as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.target_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_CONFIGURATION_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Configuration as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.configuration_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_LOCATION_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Location as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.location_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_WINDOW_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Window as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.window_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_REQUEST_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's Request as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.request_as_dict
REQUESTGROUPS_REQUESTGROUP_AS_DICT Class dotpath for RequestGroups's RequestGroup as_dict override observation_portal.requestgroups.models.requestgroup_as_dict
PROPOSALS_PROPOSAL_AS_DICT Class dotpath for Proposal's Proposal as_dict override observation_portal.proposals.models.proposal_as_dict
PROPOSALS_TIMEALLOCATION_AS_DICT Class dotpath for Proposal's TimeAllocation as_dict override observation_portal.proposals.models.timeallocation_as_dict
PROPOSALS_MEMBERSHIP_AS_DICT Class dotpath for Proposal's Membership as_dict override observation_portal.proposals.models.membership_as_dict
duration Overrides INSTRUMENT_CONFIGURATION_PER_EXPOSURE_DURATION Class dotpath for duration_per_exposure method override observation_portal.requestgroups.duration_utils.get_instrument_configuration_duration_per_exposure

Local Development

Set up external services

Please refer to the Configuration Database and Downtime Database projects for instructions on how to get those running, as well as the Elasticsearch documentation for options on how to run Elasticsearch.


We use Poetry for package management. If you already have Poetry installed, you can skip this section.

You can install Poetry using one of the many options listed at One simple option is using Pipx:

python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
pipx install poetry


Install the project and its Python dependencies:

poetry install

This will install the project in a Poetry managed virtual environment. To run commands in that environment either use poetry run ... or start a shell in that environment with poetry shell

Set up the database

This example uses the PostgreSQL Docker image to create a database. Make sure that the options that you use to set up your database correspond with your configured database settings.

docker run --name observation-portal-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=observation_portal -v/var/lib/postgresql/data -p5432:5432 -d postgres:11.1

After creating the database, migrations must be applied to set up the tables in the database.

poetry run python migrate

Run the tests

poetry run python test --settings=observation_portal.test_settings

Run the portal

poetry run python runserver

The observation portal should now be accessible from!