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OCR - OBS Plugin

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The OCR Plugin for OBS provides real-time Optical Characted Recognition (OCR) or Text Recognition abilities over any OBS Source that provides an image - can be Image, Video, Browser or any other Source. It is based on the incredible Tesseract open source OCR engine, compiled and running directly inside OBS for real-time operation on every frame rendered.

Reading scoreboards? Try free OCR tool specifically made (by us) for reading and broadcasting scoreboards.

If this free plugin has been valuable to you consider adding a ⭐ to this GH repo, subscribing to my YouTube channel where I post updates, and supporting my work:

Usage Tutorials

4 Minutes

Do more with OCR Plugin

OCR Plugin enables many use cases for enhancing your stream or recording:


Available now:

  • Add OCR Filter to any source with image or video output
  • Choose from Scoreboard model or English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Turkish, Portugese, Hindi, Russian and Italian
  • Choose the segmentation mode: Word, Line, Page, etc.
  • "Semantic Smoothing": getting more consistent outputs with higher accuracy and confidence by "averaging" several text outputs
  • Timing/Running modes: per X-milliseconds
  • Output OCR result to an OBS Text Source
  • Output to a text file (with/out aggregation)
  • Output formatting (with inja): e.g. "Score: {{score}}"
  • Output text detection to image source (draws boxes, text, etc.)
  • Output to settings (e.g. for other plugins to use as triggers)
  • Binarization methods (threshold, Otsu, Triangle, adaptive)
  • Image Dilation
  • Rescale (optimal Tesseract performance is at 35 pixels / character)

Coming soon:

  • More languages built-in (pretrained Tesseract models)
  • Allowing external model files
  • More output capabilities e.g. Parsing, websocket event, etc.
  • Detection area selection (to prevent using Crop/Pad Filter)
  • Different timing/run modes: per X-frames, image change, etc.
  • Image stabilization
  • Optical flow tracking for fast moving text
  • Image processing: Perspective warping, auto-cropping, etc.
  • Advanced binarization: Niblack, Sauvola

Check out our other plugins:

  • Background Removal removes background from webcam without a green screen.
  • Detect will detect and track >80 types of objects in any OBS source.
  • LocalVocal speech AI assistant plugin for real-time, local transcription (captions), translation and more language functions
  • Polyglot translation AI plugin for real-time, local translation to hunderds of languages
  • URL/API Source will connect to any URL/API HTTP and get the data/image/audio to your scene.
  • 🚧 Experimental 🚧 CleanStream for real-time filler word (uh,um) and profanity removal from live audio stream

If you like this work, which is given to you completely free of charge, please consider supporting it or


Check out the latest releases for downloads and install instructions.


The plugin was built and tested on Mac OSX (Intel & Apple silicon), Windows and Linux.

Start by cloning this repo to a directory of your choice.


Using the CI pipeline scripts, locally you would just call the zsh script. By default this builds a universal binary for both Intel and Apple Silicon. To build for a specific architecture please see .github/scripts/.build.zsh for the -arch options.

$ ./.github/scripts/build-macos -c Release


The above script should succeed and the plugin files (e.g. obs-ocr.plugin) will reside in the ./release/Release folder off of the root. Copy the .plugin file to the OBS directory e.g. ~/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins.

To get .pkg installer file, run for example

$ ./.github/scripts/package-macos -c Release

(Note that maybe the outputs will be in the Release folder and not the install folder like pakage-macos expects, so you will need to rename the folder from build_x86_64/Release to build_x86_64/install)

Linux (Ubuntu)

Use the CI scripts again

$ ./.github/scripts/

Copy the results to the standard OBS folders on Ubuntu

$ sudo cp -R release/RelWithDebInfo/lib/* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
$ sudo cp -R release/RelWithDebInfo/share/* /usr/share/

Note: The official OBS plugins guide recommends adding plugins to the ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins folder.


Use the CI scripts again, for example:

> .github/scripts/Build-Windows.ps1 -Target x64 -CMakeGenerator "Visual Studio 17 2022"

The build should exist in the ./release folder off the root. You can manually install the files in the OBS directory.