This repository contains service/deployment-configuration files that can be consumed "as-is" on any OpenShift Container Platform as well as Kubernetes Platform in order to deploy GeoSpatial Workload made up of Two-tier application consisting of Open Source Components ( MongoDB/NodeJS ).
The docker images involved are custom built for this particular usecase and leverages image-manifest that identifies underlying architecture(s) and pulls respective docker image.
This also demonstrates ease of moving from Public Cloud traditional x86_64 (like GCP,AWS) to powerful IBM POWER Systems hosted in Hybrid/Private Clouds ( like Openshift Container Platform or IBM Cloud )
Steps to deploy the MongoDB + NodeJS Application on OpenShift Container Platform v3.11/v4.X Command Line -
Git clone this repository to your server -
cd $HOME/
git clone
cd cloud_interop
Create a new project
oc new-project ibm --description="IBM ISDL" --display-name="ibm"
oc project ibm
Deploy Service and Deployment config files via
oc create -f mong-service.yaml
oc create -f node-service.yaml
oc create -f mong-deployment.yaml
oc create -f node-deployment.yaml
Upon Successfully applying respective Service/Deployment config you will see something similar as below -
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]# oc create -f mong-service.yaml
service/mong created
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]# oc create -f node-service.yaml
service/node created
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]# oc create -f mong-deployment.yaml
deployment.extensions/mong created
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]# oc create -f node-deployment.yaml
deployment.extensions/node created
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]#
To check the status of pods in your desired namespace issue the following
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]# oc get po -n ibm
mong-6f6cbff4fb-q4ds6 1/1 Running 0 1m
node-b6f55bdb9-rpszs 1/1 Running 0 1m
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]#
Where -n ibm
is our targeted namespace
Create a secure route to access your application.
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]# oc get svc
mong ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 1m
node ClusterIP <none> 3000/TCP 1m
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]# oc create route edge --service=node created
[root@p230n134 cloud_interop]#
So far, you have deployed the solution and created a secure route to access your application outside OCP cluster.
Please add this path towards end of your URL/route /api/getInspectionsByZipCodeIteration/10100/10150/1
which would fetch Inspections carried between areas with pincodes 10100
and 101500
via NodeJS APIs
and from MongoDB.
For more information - please visit this website(
Creating a route in OCP v3.11 -
Creating a route in OCP v4.3 - There are many wasy to do it, one of them is as following
Deploying this solution via OCP4.3 Webconsole - is pretty simple - to make your life easier we have encapsulated our two tier application via yaml files - that can be consumed on any Kubernetes compatible platform in our case it will be OpenShift Container Platform.
We will now look through series of steps that can be followed to deploy this application via OCP4.3's WebConsole, the steps listed presume you have working OCP4.3 Setup and is accessible via WebConsole.
- Git clone this repository to your local laptop -
cd $HOME/Desktop/
git clone
cd cloud_interop
Navigate to your OCP4.3 WebConsole and Switch to Developer Mode -
From your Cloned Directory drop mong-service.yaml file into the WebConsole -
Once loaded click "Create"
Repeat Steps outlined in Step3), drop node-service.yaml file into the WebConsole
Once loaded click "Create"
Repeat Steps outlined in Step3), drop mong-deployment.yaml file into the WebConsole
Once loaded click "Create"
Repeat Steps outlined in Step3), drop node-deployment.yaml file into the WebConsole
Once loaded click "Create"
Switch to Topology Section to have an overlook of your application
Creating route -- From Administrator View --> Select Networking --> Routes --> Fill in the fields as neccessary and Click Create
When accessed the newly created link - you will initial success page as here -
- Add this API at the end of your route
Which queries and returns Inspections carried between PinCode 10100 and 10150
For more information please access this
To delete your application, follow below steps -
oc delete -f node-deployment.yaml
oc delete -f mong-deployment.yaml
oc delete -f node-service.yaml
oc delete -f mong-service.yaml
For any clarifications/queries please reach out to one of the following contacts listed below, if found any deviations feel free to raise an issue
Krishna Harsha Voora
Mithun H R