We have created this repo so that we can use it to document other resourceful repositories by Kenyans which are currently having a global impact.
For more details on how to contribute please see our little Contribution Guidelines. We hope you will help us make this repo useful in days to come
- winapi-code-snippets - Winapi code snippets. By @JacksiroKe
- AnimatedSplashScreens - Awesome set of animated WinForms splash screen designs. By @Bunifu
- Base64-Class - Easy Base 64 encoding and decoding library (text/Objects/Files) Supports serialization - c# - WPF/Winforms/ ASP.Net. By @KimTooOfficial
- Finance-Manager---Bunifu-UI - Bunifu UI C# winform template . By @KimTooOfficial
- SharpClipboard - A library for anonymously monitoring clipboard entries. By @WillyKimura
- Social-APP-Dark-UI - Social App dark UI built with Bunifu UI Framework Ultimate Bundle. By @Bunifu
- flutter_chips_input - Flutter input field that takes in Material Chips as entries. By @danvickmiller
- flutter_form_builder - Simple form builder for Flutter. By @danvickmiller
- flutter_touch_spin - Simple number input spinner Widget for Flutter. By @danvickmiller
- AndroidMPesaAPI - Android MPESA SDK Library to provide smooth MPESA Experience in Android - Dubbed Daraja. By @_jumaallan
- LNMOnlineAndroidSample - Lipa Na MPESA Online (STK Push) Android Sample Application. This app demonstrates an e-commerce purchase and checkout process via Mpesa and Daraja smile. By @safaricom
- School-Management-System-JavaFX - A sample JavaFX management system GUI. By @k33ptoo
- ngx-translate-nativescript-loader - A loader for
internationalization library that loads locally stored translations for NativeScript Angular. By @danvickmiller - postgres-express-node-tutorial - Repository hosting code for the "Getting Started With NodeJS, Express and Postgres Using Sequelize" blogpost. By @waiyaki
- react-startpack - Bare minimum setup for a simple react app. Should save you a lot of time. You are welcome!! React-Webpack-Babel. By @joykare_
- DevFest2019 - An App which shows how to use Dynamic Modules, MVVM, Room, DI, App Bundles and Internal App Sharing (PlayStore), in Kotlin). By @_jumaallan
- ElegantDialog - A beautiful, customizable and interactive dialog for Android written in Kotlin/Java 😍. By @keshwhatsup
- CleanArch-MVVM-ArchComponents - An Android app consuming Star Wars API [RESTful].Built with clean architecture + MVVM pattern, Dagger2 , Coroutines ,Architecture Components, Data Binding , Firebase and includes Unit $ UI Tests By @_davidodari
- Laravel Nova Timenow - A Laravel Nova card to display the current time from different timezones in the world ⏰. By @richard_keep
- pynbo-blog - Python Nairobi Blog. By @pynbo
- mpesa_api - Mpesa B2C, C2B, STKPush Django framework based on the new Api's. By @lemaiyan
- mpesa-rest-api - mpesa rest api converts the mpesa api to a RESTful API that is easy for developers to use instead of the current SOAP web service provided by mpesa. By @urandu
- ReadMe-MasterTemplates - How to write good ReadMe docs for all your projects on github.. By @tamrefrankhttps://twitter.com/tamrefrank