Multicolor SVGs as CSS backgrounds.
1. In browser console:
encodeURIComponent('<svg xmlns="http...></svg>')
OR on Node:
encodeURIComponent(fs.readFileSync('icon.svg', 'utf-8'))
2. Make that into a background image:
.icon {
background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http...);
3. Done!
You can replace each color occurrence with a variable for custom coloring, e.g.
You might also like to have a function for the icons, see below.
@function icon-url($icon, $icon-main: #bada55, $icon-highlight: #fe57a1) {
// strip off the '#'
$icon-main-slice: str-slice("#{$icon-main}", 2);
$icon-highlight-slice: str-slice("#{$icon-highlight}", 2);
@if ($icon == home) {
$urlEncoded: "%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http...";
@return url(data:image/svg+xml,#{$urlEncoded});
Licensed under BSD (3-clause).
Made with ♥ by @ohanhi.