Releases: ohhsodead/arisen-studio
Beta v3.3.1
- Fixed opening downloads folder (#125)
- Fixed displaying full changelog text layout
- Heavy functions now run in the background
- Improved transfer/download functions
- Improvements and fixes since last update
- Bumped packages to latest versions
If you find this project helpful and would like to support its development, please consider making a small donation. Your support is greatly appreciated! Funds are mainly to cover the server costs, hosting and developer alive.
Beta v3.3.0
- Updated HtmlAgilityPack package to 1.11.67
- Updated WebView2 package to 1.0.2792.45
- Added Report Issue form to auto submit errors
- Added file size progress when downloading pkgs
- Added support via donation button to title bar
- Fixed double error message popup being shown
- Fixed sequence error when showing mods details
- Fixed Homebrew not populating categories
- Fixed Homebrew page filters not working
- Fixed Game Cheats page not loading
- Improved speed of loading search results
- Game Cheats are now hosted on GitHub
- Status bar will show idle after some time
If you find this project helpful and would like to support its development, please consider making a small donation. Your support is greatly appreciated! Funds are mainly to cover the server costs, hosting and developer alive.
Beta v3.2.1
- Added Romanian language translations
- Fixed "425" connection issues when installing files
- Fixed buttons being translated when its unnecessary
- Fixed conflicts with Homebrew and Game Mods pages
- Fixed wrong console image in Connections dialog
- Fixed HTML tags in Setup Wizard and Dialogs
- Removed "Passive Mode" as causes issues with connection
If you find this project helpful and would like to support its development, please consider making a small donation. Your support is greatly appreciated! Funds are mainly to cover the server costs, hosting and developer alive.
Beta v3.2.0
- Updated DevExpress library to 24.1
- Updated AutoUpdater.NET package to 1.9.2
- Updated FluentFTP package to 51.1.0
- Updated HtmlAgilityPack package to 1.11.65
- Updated WebView2 package to 1.0.2651.64
- Updated NLog package to 5.3.4
- Added new language Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Added simple cache for database files to improve startup
- Added partial support for PS4 connections
- Added support for PS4 database files
- Added Applications page for PS4 apps
- Added Games page for PS4 games
- Added Trainers page for Xbox 360 games
- Added Setup Wizard for first time use
- Added progress bar status when transferring files
- Added shortcut actions for library pages
- Added a better Screenshot Tool for PS3
- Added button to copy download link for mods
- Added options to change Neighborhood console name and icon
- Added option to ignore supported regions when installing
- Added an Easter egg somewhere in the app, try find it ;)
- Fixed no internet being detected when using a VPN
- Fixed sizing issues with users on different scaling settings
- Fixed creating console profile on start-up not working
- Fixed some strings not being translated at all
- Fixed images for directory listings in File Manager
- Fixed automatic scan for Xbox consoles
- Fixed some filters not working for Installed Files page
- Fixed discord rich presence with newer AppID
- Fixed Boot Plugins Editor not loading correct console file
- Fixed some minor issues found in modding tools
- Removed Console Manager for Xbox 360 due to multiple issues
- App updates aren't forced anymore except for major versions
- Game Cheats (RTE) is enabled for testing (beta)
- Game Save Resigner is always enabled now
- Improved consistency for the Settings Page
- Improved configuration for setting file locations
- Improved functionality for some of the tools for PS3 and Xbox
- Redesign the layout of controls and content for dialogs
- Moved all database files to @goldug's web server
- Optimized lots of code, removed redundant resources
- Major and minor quality of life improvements (QoL)
If you find this project helpful and would like to support its development, please consider making a small donation. Your support is greatly appreciated! Funds are mainly to cover the server costs, hosting and developer alive.
Beta v3.1.2
- Improved overall design and layout
- Updated project with new coding standards
- Updated icons to fit current themes
- Updated AutoUpdater.NET library to 1.8.6
- Updated DevExpress library to 23.2
- Updated FluentFTP package to 50.0.1
- Updated HtmlAgilityPack package to 1.11.61
- Updated WebView2 package to 1.0.2478.35
- Updated NLog package to 5.3.2
- Updated Tomlyn package to 0.17.0
- About page is easier to manage, less buggy
- Added Our Favorite Games section
- Added Current Poll section
- Added option to install PKG after uploading
- Added missing icons from File Manager
Beta v3.1.1
- Fixed wrong language for installer
- Hotfix for resource files issue
Beta v3.1.0
- Updated DevExpress library to 23.1
- Updated AutoUpdater.NET package to 1.8.4
- Updated DiscordRichPresence package to
- Updated FluentFTP package to 48.0.3
- Updated HtmlAgilityPack package to 1.11.54
- Updated WebView2 package to 1.0.2151.40
- Updated NLog package to 5.2.6
- Updated to the new domain
- Fixed possible issue when trying to connect to Xbox
- Fixed issue when transferring Xbox files (by Huawei)
- Fixed default paths when installing not working
- Fixed paths being limited to only 16 characters
- Fixed game saves being downloaded as PKG type
- Removed Hardware Acceleration from Settings
- Other minor fixes and improvements
Beta v3.0.4
- Updated AutoUpdater.NET package to 1.8.1
- Updated WebView2 package to 1.0.1722.45
- Updated NLog package to 5.1.4
- Added Game Launcher GUI for PS3
- Added option to launch game for PS3
- Added ignore overwrite for homebrew
- Fixed "Code 425" when connecting (#75)
Beta v3.0.3
- Updated CodeHollow.FeedReader package to 1.2.6
- Updated FluentFTP package to 46.0.2
- Updated SharpZipLib package to 1.4.2
- Added prompt with requirements/usage on startup
- Added better configurations for when using FTP
- Fixed creating Guest profile on startup
- Fixed opening external link for submit mods form
- Fixed refresh button in submit mods dialog
- Fixed timeout when using file manager
- Fixed and updated the Xbox 360 libraries
Beta v3.0.2
We now have an official site here
- Updated AutoUpdater.NET package to 1.7.6
- Updated DiscordRichPresence package to
- Updated FluentFTP package to 44.0.1
- Updated HtmlAgilityPack package to 1.11.46
- Updated Newtonsoft.Json package to 13.0.2
- Updated NLog package to 5.1.1
- Updated SharpZipLib package to 1.4.1
- Updated Tomlyn package to 0.16.2
- Updated WebView2 package to 1.0.1518.46
- Added Always Show Game Playing to Settings
- Added delay in searching packages
- Fixed install buttons enabling for correct category
- Fixed detecting if webMAN is installed on PS3
- Fixed returning null if no backup file exists
- Fixed wrong values under Tools in Settings
- Fixed package downloads crashing Downloads tab
- Packages will not show in the Downloads tab
- Game Cheats tab disabled/hidden until complete
- Game title returns zero if unable to get title ID
- Changed Request Mods form to allow uploading files