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An employee performance review app

How the app works

  • Superuser adds admin users through the django admin panel
  • Admin signs in to the app add employees for review
  • Admin updates performance review for each of the employee to be reviewed
  • Admin assign reviewer(employee) to each of the employee to be reviewed
  • Reviewer comments on the performance review of the employee he is assigned to

Create virtual environment

python3 -m venv env

Create environment variables

touch .env

copy .env_example into .env and update the variables accordingly

Activate virtual environment

source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

npm install

Make migrations

./ makemigrations

./ makemigrations api

Migrate database

./ migrate

Create superuser

./ createsuperuser

Run development server

./ runserver

npm start

Log in as a superuser to create an admin user

Log in with the created admin user to create basic users


Log in with the created basic users to submit feedback to other employee's performance


API documentation


Technologies used

  • React (frontend framework)
  • MobX (state management for React)
  • Django (backend framework)
  • django-rest-framework (API framework for Django)