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Raymond Chen edited this page Mar 30, 2019 · 1 revision

The xlang::meta::reader::cache::namespace_members structure is defined in meta_reader.h (via impl/meta_reader/cache.h) and aggregates information about the types in a namespace.

You obtain a namespace_members from the map returned by cache.namespaces().

Although all of the members are non-const, they should be treated as const.



std::map<std::string_view, xlang::meta::reader::TypeDef> types;

A map keyed by type name of all the types defined in this namespace. It is the union of the interfaces, classes, enums, structs, delegates, attributes, and contracts members.


std::vector<xlang::meta::reader::TypeDef> interfaces;

A vector of all the interfaces defined in this namespace. An interface is a TypeDef whose category is interface_type.


std::vector<xlang::meta::reader::TypeDef> classes;

A vector of all the runtime classes defined in this namespace. A runtime class is a TypeDef whose category is class_type and which does not derive from System.Attribute.


std::vector<xlang::meta::reader::TypeDef> enums;

A vector of all the enums defined in this namespace. An enum is a TypeDef whose category is enum_type.


std::vector<xlang::meta::reader::TypeDef> structs;

A vector of all the structs defined in this namespace. A struct is a TypeDef whose category is struct_type and which does not have a Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiContractAttribute attribute.


std::vector<xlang::meta::reader::TypeDef> delegates;

A vector of all the delegates defined in this namespace. An enum is a TypeDef whose category is delegate_type.


std::vector<xlang::meta::reader::TypeDef> attributes;

A vector of all the attributes defined in this namespace. An attribute is a TypeDef whose category is class_type and which derives from System.Attribute.


std::vector<xlang::meta::reader::TypeDef> contracts;

A vector of all the contracts defined in this namespace. A contract is a TypeDef whose category is struct_type and which has a Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiContractAttribute attribute.

See also

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