olibc - Another C library optimized for embdded Linux.
Repo is a tool that makes it easier to work with Git in the context of Android. For more information about Repo, see Version Control.
To install, initialize, and configure Repo, follow these steps:
Make sure you have a bin/ directory in your home directory, and that it is included in your path:
$ mkdir ~/bin $ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
Download the Repo script and ensure it is executable:
$ curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
After installing Repo, set up your client to access the android source repository:
Create an empty directory to hold your working files. Give it any name you like:
$ mkdir -p workspace-olibc $ cd workspace-olibc
Run repo init to bring down the latest version of Repo with all its most recent bug fixes:
$ repo init -u https://github.com/olibc/manifest.git
To pull down files to your working directory from the repositories as specified in the default manifest, run
$ repo sync