NOTE: This API is undergoing a rewrite in a separate repo. It's being ported over to Elixir
Please see the README on repo for the front-end app to learn more about the project in general.
Install Ruby 2.2.2 if you don't have it yet
rvm install 2.2.2
(Or use whatever ruby version manager you prefer. There's a .ruby-version for the project that should work with any of them)
Install MongoDB if you don't have it yet as well and start it up.
brew install mongodb
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf --logpath log/mongo.log
Ensure that dependencies are installed.
bundle install
Next, create an application.yml file. You can use our example.
cp config/application.yml.example config/application.yml
Then, run guard and start your test suite.
(Hit Enter/Return to get Guard to run the test suite after starting up)
rails s
Then startup the front-end app by following the instructions on its github repo.
Go to http://localhost:4200
on your browser.
See the CONTRIBUTING guide.