Backend Take Home Challenge. This project contains RESTful APIS that allows you to utilize an internationally recognized set of diagnosis codes. The APIs allow you to:
- Create a new diagnosis code record
/api/v1/codes/ POST REQUEST
"id": "A0229",
"category_code": "A022",
"diagnosis_code": "9",
"short_description": "infection",
"full_description": "Salmonella with other localized infection",
"category_title": "Localized salmonella infections",
"code_type": "icd-10"
- Edit an existing diagnosis code record
/api/v1/codes/:ID PUT REQUEST
- List diagnosis codes in batches of 20(and paginate through the rest of the record)
/api/v1/codes/ GET REQUEST
/api/v1/codes?page=1 GET REQUEST
/api/v1/codes?page=2 GET REQUEST
- Retrieve diagnosis codes by ID
/api/v1/codes/:ID GET REQUEST
- Delete diagnosis code by ID
/api/v1/codes/:ID Delete REQUEST
- All API endpoints respond within 100ms
- Project includes unit tests for all api endpoints
- Python 3.7
- Django 3
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
Follow the guide here on how to clone or fork a repo
Follow the guide here on how to set up Docker for windows
Follow the guide here on how to set up Docker for Linux
Follow the guide here on how to set up Docker for Mac OS
Run project using Docker in simple steps
docker-compose up -d --build (Build project docker image and run container) docker-compose exec web python3 makemigrations (Make model migrations) docker-compose exec web python3 migrate (Migrate models to database) docker-compose exec web python3 loaddata diagnosis_codes.json (Load initial fixtures of 4678 diagnosis code records) docker-compose exec web python3 test (Run Unit Tests on API Endpoints)
You can now visit the Browsable API page at