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Package Manuskript for Windows with PyInstaller

Tobias Frisch edited this page Apr 30, 2021 · 4 revisions


This guide describes the steps for packaging Manuskript for Windows. The resulting package runs on x86 (32 bit) and x86-64 bit Windows computers.


Before embarking on this procedure consider creating a clean 32-bit Virtual Machine of Windows XP for the purpose of creating Manuskript PyInstaller packages. The reasons are three-fold:

Note: I chose to create a Windows XP SP3 32-bit VM in order to support manuskript on a large number of Windows versions.


Install Manuskript

A working version of Manuskipt is required. If creating an official release, then download and extract an official source code release zip or tarball file using Windows Explorer.

Be sure to include optional software such as Markdown and PyEnchant so that these are included in the package.

Install Prerequisite Software Packages

Install all the necessary software required for creating the manuskript package.

  1. Install PyInstaller

    cd \Python34\Scripts
    pip install pyinstaller


Create a zip file package that can be installed and run on Windows 32 bit and 64 bit computers.

  1. Create the Manuskript package.

    cd manuskript
    C:\Python34\Scripts\pyinstaller manuskript.spec

    This should create a build directory and a dist directory under the current working directory.

    The dist directory contains the self-contained manuskript folder.

    The log file with the warnings and errors is at build\manuskript\warnmanuskript.txt.

  2. Create a zip file using the manuskript files under the dist directory.

    In Windows Explorer navigate to dist directory, right click on manuskript, select Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder.

    This will create a in the dist directory.

    Rename to manuskript-#.#.#{-#}

    Note that the -# within the curly braces is optional. It is used to indicate updated packages of the same manuskript #-#-# version. The curly braces are not included in the file name.

    For example:

    First packaging of manuskript v0.4.0 would be named:


    Second repackaging of manuskript v0.4.0 would be named:

    And so on until the version of manuskript changed.


Run the script to setup a 32bit wine prefix automatically. It installs any requirements mentioned above and creates the full package with the Windows version of PyInstaller. The prefix is completely fresh for every build and will be removed after the whole process.


Use the following steps on a different computer or Virtual Machine to test that the manuskript package works.

  1. Copy the manuskript-#.#.#{-#} file and extract using Windows Explorer.

  2. Install a different language dictionary (e.g. French).

    SKIP THIS STEP for now as instructions are Linux specific

    sudo apt install aspell-fr
  3. Download and install pandoc from for more export format options.

  4. Run manuskript and open/create a project.

    # Open/create a project
  5. Check for extra language dictionaries (e.g., French).

    # Check *Tools -> Dictionary* for French "fr" dictionaries.
  6. Check for additional pandoc export options.

    # Select *File -> Compile*
    # Check *Export to:* drop down for pandoc export options.
  7. Exit manuskript.


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