An example integration of FOSFacebookBundle and FOSUserBundle for Symfony 2.1
I like to start a project with the user accounts and for someone who's only just starting Symfony2, the security component's configuration magic can be daunting, racking up a lot of WTFpm (WTF's per minute).
This bundle might help out some people that are struggling with the set up of two of the most popular bundles by FriendsOfSymfony; FOSUserBundle and FOSFacebookBundle.
Probably the best way to use this code is to download this bundle and use it as a base for your own project. I haven't created it to work as a bundle within your own project, so hence no composer.json.
Download this bundle and (optionally) rename it as your own. Eg /src/Acme/MyBundle and add to AppKernel. If you are renaming it as a base for your own project then you will need to search and replace the bundle name to your own.
Add the provided User class to your database (use doctrine:migrations:diff or doctrine:schema:create)
Add your Facebook App settings to your parameters.yml
parameters: # ... facebook_app_id: 1234567890 facebook_app_secret: 1234567890abcdefghijk
Import the bundle's config files in app/config/config.yml (if necessary replace @OhFOSFacebookUserBundle with your own bundle)
imports: - { resource: parameters.yml } - { resource: security.yml } - { resource: services.yml } - { resource: @OhFOSFacebookUserBundle/Resources/config/config.yml } - { resource: @OhFOSFacebookUserBundle/Resources/config/services.yml } - { resource: @OhFOSFacebookUserBundle/Resources/config/security.yml }
Do the same with your routing.yml
OhEventstagramBundle: resource: "@OhFOSFacebookUserBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /
This bundle also overwrites the registration form for the FOSUserBundle to include "firstname" and "surname" as a start for implementing your own User model.
Nothing very clever happens with this bundle, I just followed the instructions from the FOSUserBundle and FOSFacebookBundle, put it into my own bundle to use as a base for new projects.
I'm not planning on maintaining this bundle, but maybe someone can pick it up and add some more connectors.