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Olmofe Ansible + Laravel Demo

This repository is a fairly modified repo of the Automating Server Setup - a DigitalOcean Workshop Kit and laravel real world example.



If my instructors try to reproduce my result, the below guide can help:

Make sure you have Ansible installed on your control node, which can be your local machine or a remote server dedicated to running Ansible. The playbooks is verified for Ubuntu 18.04+ server to serve as node and host.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. edit the hosts file to your customer slave/php-server.You can also add for production(sample in inventory file inventory-example)
  3. Adjust values on your group_vars/all.yml file. The remote_user variable should be an existing can with sudo access, otherwise, you must launch ansible with -u root and uncomment lines in setup role that creates sudo user.
    • if using existing remote_user, you should copy ansible server file (from wherever it is on the machine probably ~/.ssh) into the authorized keys of the ansible slave/php server (probably founnd in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys)
  1. You can check if the ansible server is able using a ping the slave eg. ansible all -i hosts -m ping -u sudo-user

  2. Run the server-setup.yml playbook to set up the LEMP server eg. ansible-playbook -i hosts laravel-deploy.yml -u sudo-user

  3. The server-setup consists of the following roles: roles:

    • setup - installs initial requirements

    • postgresql - installs postgresql

    • ssl - generates ssl csr and key files (csr is used to activate ssl on

    • php - installs php 8.1 and dependencies

    • nginx- installs nginx and dependencies(instead of apache)

    • composer - installs composer and dependencies

  4. Run the laravel-deploy.yml playbook to deploy the demo Laravel application. The yaml syntax is not based on roles and tasks are written in-document. It will do the following:

    • name: Make sure the remote app root exists and has the right permissions
    • name: "Install Rsync on local device"
    • name: Rsync application files to the remote server(laravel-realworld)
    • name: Set up directory permissions for www-data user on storage and cache folder
    • name: Install Dependencies with Composer based on what is defined in the all.yml(group_vars) file.
    • Generate app key
    • Set up app storage link
    • Cache config
    • Run Migrations + Seeders to fill the db with mock data.
  5. Access your server's IP address or chosen hostname( same as http_host value in group vars which should be set as an A record with your domain provider ) to test the setup.

  6. swagger is not included in the app, to test endpoints see here

  7. Here are the routes in this demo:

GET|HEAD  / ................................................................................. 
  POST      api/articles .......... api.articles.create › Api\Articles\ArticleController@create
  GET|HEAD  api/articles .............. api.articles.list › Api\Articles\ArticleController@list
  GET|HEAD  api/articles/feed ......... api.articles.feed › Api\Articles\ArticleController@feed
  PUT(i think this should be POST)       api/articles/{slug} ... api.articles.update › Api\Articles\ArticleController@update
  DELETE    api/articles/{slug} ... api.articles.delete › Api\Articles\ArticleController@delete
  GET|HEAD  api/articles/{slug} ........ api.articles.get › Api\Articles\ArticleController@show  
  POST      api/articles/{slug}/comments api.articles.comments.create › Api\Articles\CommentsC…
  GET|HEAD  api/articles/{slug}/comments api.articles.comments.get › Api\Articles\CommentsCont…  
  DELETE    api/articles/{slug}/comments/{id} api.articles.comments.delete › Api\Articles\Comm…  
  POST      api/articles/{slug}/favorite api.articles.favorites.add › Api\Articles\FavoritesCo…  
  DELETE    api/articles/{slug}/favorite api.articles.favorites.remove › Api\Articles\Favorite…  
  GET|HEAD  api/documentation . l5-swagger.default.api › L5Swagger\Http › SwaggerController@api  
  GET|HEAD  api/oauth2-callback l5-swagger.default.oauth2_callback › L5Swagger\Http › SwaggerC…  
  GET|HEAD  api/profiles/{username} ............. api.profiles.get › Api\ProfileController@show  
  POST      api/profiles/{username}/follow . api.profiles.follow › Api\ProfileController@follow  
  DELETE    api/profiles/{username}/follow api.profiles.unfollow › Api\ProfileController@unfol…  
  GET|HEAD  api/tags .................................. api.tags.list › Api\TagsController@list  
  GET|HEAD  api/user .............................. api.users.current › Api\UserController@show  
  PUT       api/user ............................. api.users.update › Api\UserController@update
  POST      api/users ........................ api.users.register › Api\AuthController@register  
  POST      api/users/login ........................ api.users.login › Api\AuthController@login  
  GET|HEAD  docs/asset/{asset} l5-swagger.default.asset › L5Swagger\Http › SwaggerAssetControl…  
  GET|HEAD  docs/{jsonFile?} › L5Swagger\Http › SwaggerController@docs   
  GET|HEAD  hello .............................................................................  
  GET|HEAD  sanctum/csrf-cookie ................... Laravel\Sanctum › CsrfCookieController@show


laravel deployment using ansible







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