This module configures a system which responds to events by invoking a Cloud Functions function.
The root module configures a function sourced from a directory on localhost to respond to a given event trigger. The source directory is compressed and uploaded as a Cloud Storage bucket object which will be leveraged by the function.
Alternatively, the [repository-function submodule][repository-function-submodule] configures a function sourced from a Cloud Source Repositories repository.
This module is meant for use with Terraform 0.12. If you haven't upgraded and need a Terraform 0.11.x-compatible version of this module, the last released version intended for Terraform 0.11.x is 0.1.0.
The [automatic-labelling-from-localhost example][automatic-labelling-from-localhost-example] is a tested reference of how to use the root module with the [event-project-log-entry submodule][event-project-log-entry-submodule].
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
available_memory_mb | The amount of memory in megabytes allotted for the function to use. | string | "256" |
no |
description | The description of the function. | string | "Processes events." |
no |
entry_point | The name of a method in the function source which will be invoked when the function is executed. | string | n/a | yes |
environment_variables | A set of key/value environment variable pairs to assign to the function. | map | <map> |
no |
event_trigger | A source that fires events in response to a condition in another service. | map | n/a | yes |
labels | A set of key/value label pairs to assign to any lableable resources. | map | <map> |
no |
name | The name to apply to any nameable resources. | string | n/a | yes |
project_id | The ID of the project to which resources will be applied. | string | n/a | yes |
region | The region in which resources will be applied. | string | n/a | yes |
runtime | The runtime in which the function will be executed. | string | "nodejs6" |
no |
source_directory | The pathname of the directory which contains the function source code. | string | n/a | yes |
timeout_s | The amount of time in seconds allotted for the execution of the function. | string | "60" |
no |
Name | Description |
name | The name of the function. |
The following sections describe the requirements which must be met in order to invoke this module.
The following software dependencies must be installed on the system from which this module will be invoked:
- [Terraform][terraform-site] v0.12.Z
- [Terraform Provider for Archive][terraform-provider-archive-site] v1.2.Z
- [Terraform Provider for Google Cloud Platform][terraform-provider-gcp-site] v2.5.Z
The Service Account which will be used to invoke this module must have the following IAM roles:
- Cloud Functions Developer:
- Storage Admin:
The project against which this module will be invoked must have the following APIs enabled:
- Cloud Functions API:
- Cloud Storage API:
The [Project Factory module][project-factory-module-site] can be used to provision projects with specific APIs activated.