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Queries With Unions
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The Quick Start (om.next) introduces Om Next fundamentals. Components, Identity & Normalization covers intermediate concepts. Both of these are necessary reading before proceeding.
Many useful user interfaces present heterogeneous content in the form of a scrollable list - "Dashboard" or "Stream" view. However, so far the joins we have represented have only shown homogeneous content. In the following section we'll show how Om Next easily supports this popular form of presentation.
At this point we assume you are now comfortable with Figwheel configuration and will not cover setup.
Let's assume we are building a live dashboard which will host many different kinds of widgets. We'll see that this case does not actually present any challenges.
Assume our data looks something like the following:
(ns om-tutorial.core
(:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
[om.next :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
[om.dom :as dom]
[cljs.pprint :as pprint]))
(def init-data
[{:id 0 :type :dashboard/post
:author "Laura Smith"
:title "A Post!"
:content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo"
:favorites 0}
{:id 1 :type :dashboard/photo
:title "A Photo!"
:image "photo.jpg"
:caption "Lorem ipsum"
:favorites 0}
{:id 2 :type :dashboard/post
:author "Jim Jacobs"
:title "Another Post!"
:content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo"
:favorites 0}
{:id 3 :type :dashboard/graphic
:title "Charts and Stufff!"
:image "chart.jpg"
:favorites 0}
{:id 4 :type :dashboard/post
:author "May Fields"
:title "Yet Another Post!"
:content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo"
:favorites 0}]})
As before the very first step we're interested in is writing some queries. We won't proceed until we can get the data into a desirable form.
Add the following code to your file:
(defui Post
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:id :type :title :author :content]))
(defui Photo
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:id :type :title :image :caption]))
(defui Graphic
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:id :type :title :image]))
(defui DashboardItem
static om/Ident
(ident [this {:keys [id type]}]
[type id])
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:dashboard/post :dashboard/photo :dashboard/graphic]
(map #(conj % :favorites)
[(om/get-query Post)
(om/get-query Photo)
(om/get-query Graphic)]))))
(defui Dashboard
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[{:dashboard/items (om/get-query DashboardItem)}]))
Of these the only one that should be at all surprising is
. Instead of returning a vector it returns a map.
Let's use om.next/get-query
to examine what the total query looks
like via the Figwheel REPL:
(in-ns 'om-tutorial.core)
(om/get-query Dashboard)
;; =>
;; [{:dashboard/items
;; {:dashboard/post [:id :type :title :author :content :favorites],
;; :dashboard/photo [:id :type :title :image :caption :favorites],
;; :dashboard/graphic [:id :type :title :image :favorites]}}]
It should now be clear that joins that contain heterogeneous information are represented as maps with entries for each possible subquery.
Also note that DashboardItem
's Ident
implementation is computed from
the props of the subitem it will present.
Finally notice that because queries are just regular ClojureScript
data, we can easily get some extra bit of information. We tack on
to each subquery. We will be writing shared favoriting
logic shortly.
Before we do that let's verify that we can normalize the data.
At the REPL try the following:
(om/tree->db Dashboard init-data true)
You should see the following data printed back out:
[[:dashboard/post 0]
[:dashboard/photo 1]
[:dashboard/post 2]
[:dashboard/graphic 3]
[:dashboard/post 4]],
{:id 0,
:type :dashboard/post,
:title "A Post!",
:author "Laura Smith",
:content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo",
:favorites 0},
{:id 2,
:type :dashboard/post,
:title "Another Post!",
:author "Jim Jacobs",
:content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo",
:favorites 0},
{:id 4,
:type :dashboard/post,
:title "Yet Another Post!",
:author "May Fields",
:content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo",
:favorites 0}},
{:id 1,
:type :dashboard/photo,
:title "A Photo!",
:image "photo.jpg",
:caption "Lorem ipsum",
:favorites 0}},
{:id 3,
:type :dashboard/graphic,
:title "Charts and Stufff!",
:image "chart.jpg",
:favorites 0}}}
Looks great!
There really isn't anything more to do that we haven't already seen before. We add a transaction so we can favorite things in the timeline. But that's about it!
The complete code follows:
(ns om-tutorial.core
(:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
[om.next :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
[om.dom :as dom]
[cljs.pprint :as pprint]))
(def init-data
[{:id 0 :type :dashboard/post
:author "Laura Smith"
:title "A Post!"
:content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo"
:favorites 0}
{:id 1 :type :dashboard/photo
:title "A Photo!"
:image "photo.jpg"
:caption "Lorem ipsum"
:favorites 0}
{:id 2 :type :dashboard/post
:author "Jim Jacobs"
:title "Another Post!"
:content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo"
:favorites 0}
{:id 3 :type :dashboard/graphic
:title "Charts and Stufff!"
:image "chart.jpg"
:favorites 0}
{:id 4 :type :dashboard/post
:author "May Fields"
:title "Yet Another Post!"
:content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo"
:favorites 0}]})
(defui Post
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:id :type :title :author :content])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [title author content] :as props} (om/props this)]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h3 nil title)
(dom/h4 nil author)
(dom/p nil content)))))
(def post (om/factory Post))
(defui Photo
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:id :type :title :image :caption])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [title image caption]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h3 nil (str "Photo: " title))
(dom/div nil image)
(dom/p nil (str "Caption: " caption))))))
(def photo (om/factory Photo))
(defui Graphic
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:id :type :title :image])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [title image]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h3 nil (str "Graphic: " title))
(dom/div nil image)))))
(def graphic (om/factory Graphic))
(defui DashboardItem
static om/Ident
(ident [this {:keys [id type]}]
[type id])
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:dashboard/post :dashboard/photo :dashboard/graphic]
(map #(conj % :favorites)
[(om/get-query Post)
(om/get-query Photo)
(om/get-query Graphic)])))
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [id type favorites] :as props} (om/props this)]
#js {:style #js {:padding 10 :borderBottom "1px solid black"}}
(dom/div nil
(({:dashboard/post post
:dashboard/photo photo
:dashboard/graphic graphic} type)
(om/props this)))
(dom/div nil
(dom/p nil (str "Favorites: " favorites))
#js {:onClick
(fn [e]
(om/transact! this
`[(dashboard/favorite {:ref [~type ~id]})]))}
(def dashboard-item (om/factory DashboardItem))
(defui Dashboard
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[{:dashboard/items (om/get-query DashboardItem)}])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [dashboard/items]} (om/props this)]
(apply dom/ul
#js {:style #js {:padding 0}}
(map dashboard-item items)))))
(defmulti read om/dispatch)
(defmethod read :dashboard/items
[{:keys [state]} k _]
(let [st @state]
{:value (into [] (map #(get-in st %)) (get st k))}))
(defmulti mutate om/dispatch)
(defmethod mutate 'dashboard/favorite
[{:keys [state]} k {:keys [ref]}]
(fn []
(swap! state update-in (conj ref :favorites) inc))})
(def reconciler
{:state init-data
:parser (om/parser {:read read :mutate mutate})}))
(om/add-root! reconciler Dashboard (gdom/getElement "app"))