Generation of mazes in Python. MazeForge is supported on Python 3.7 and above.
This generates a perfect maze, which means that any two cells are connected by one single unique path. The maze is generated using the prim's algorithm.
>>> import mazeforge
>>> mazeforge.Maze(width=5, height=5)
Maze(width=5, height=5)
You can print the Maze using the print method.
>>> import mazeforge
>>> mazeforge.Maze(5, 5).print()
│ │ │
├───╴ └───╴ ╷ │
│ │ │
│ ┌───────╴ ├───┤
│ │ │ │
├───┘ ╷ ╷ ╵ │
│ │ │ │
├───────┘ │ ╷ │
│ │ │ │
For further use, you may also convert the maze into a string.
>>> import mazeforge
>>> maze = mazeforge.Maze(5, 5)
>>> str(maze)
'┌───────┬───────────┐ \n│ │ │ \n├───╴ └───╴ ╷ │ \n│ │ │ \n│ ┌───────╴ ├───┤ \n│ │ │ │ \n├───┘ ╷ ╷ ╵ │ \n│ │ │ │ \n├───────┘ │ ╷ │ \n│ │ │ │ \n└───────────┴───┴───┘'